Greetings all,
I've returned from the Bahamas to bring more live Hold'em to the masses. This will happen at 8 o'clock this evening on channel 865 and at 10pm on Sky Sports 4.
Those of you who spotted the pop culture reference in the title of this thread will no doubt have worked out it's the £15k Sky Sports Bounty Hunter tonight.
You can register for the tournament for the sum of £33 right now. And, a bit later on, you might see your hand analysed by a craggy old man with blonde hair. He may, or may not be wearing a scarf.
Questions and hand requests (from tonight's main event) will be accepted. E-mail or post in this thread. Now, how's about some hot topics...?
Well, with Binglaha (I'll explain all on the TV show) making its debut at this year's PCA, I'd like to know about the wackiest, wierdest and most complex card games you've ever played.
I'd also like you to tell me which movie character you'd most like to face across the poker table. Personally, I'd like to play heads-up against Tony Stark - as portrayed by Robert Downey Jr. in 'Iron Man' and 'Iron Man 2'. Why? He's a rich drunk. That is all.
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I'd play Arnold Schwartzenegger HU so i could Terminate him
I'd like to ask a question to do with this topic also if I may, what in your opinion, is the best movie about Poker/Card games - obviously the Cincinnatti Kid and Rounders spring to mind (definately NOT Burt Reynolds film Deal which is dreadful!) but are there any other good ones you movie buffs out there know about I could check out?
I'd personally like to play Han Solo and Chewbacca, yes you'd get cheated out of everything you'd own (always let the Wookie win!), but it would also be a lot of fun I reckon.
Jar Jar Binks, and only one of us would be walking away from that game...
Would have to be Daryl Hannah ( Madison ? ) in Splash, but she can get a bit fishy when wet.
Mainly due to the fact you would probably be able to see his cards reflected in his metallic body casing.
Welcome back and a big hello to TKP legend TK
I'd like to play Nemo heads up because he's a fish
as for the movie character i would play heads up probably would be wally from see no evil, hear no evil for one reason and nancy callahan from sin city for quite another!!!!
It would have to be Richard Pryor out of See no Evil Hear no Evil for a H/U game the reason ........... LOL come on think about it .
Regards Mick.
good idea why didnt i think of that???