Evening all...
Tonight it's me on PTP duty.. and as well as the TSP classic at 9pm I'll also be playing 2p/4p cash and 10p/20p cash
I will post the tables at 7pm as I sit..
And... as an added extra I will giving out a tourney TOT entry for the first person who guesses my final score in my Driving theory test tomorrow.. It'll be the 3rd time I've taken the test.... and it has to be taken every two years so you can work out how long I've been trying to get my practical test for *sigh*.
I've never failed a theory yet but there's always a first time :^/
Anyway.. I got a bit excitable and booked my Practical too after just the first lesson I've had in 2 years.. EEEEK!! It's in three weeks time. So now you all now I'm under pressure to pass!!
So also feel free to keep my nerves at bay with your driving stories and how many times it took you smarty pants to pass.. Embarrassingly this will be my 6th or 7th try (I stopped counting at 3).
I know. I suck... and No. That's not a Euphemism!
is the theory still out of 50? if so I think you will get a 47!
ummm i take it that you are gonna be dressing in such a way that may make the examiner not fully concentrate on how many times you check your blind spot
EDIT: I would say borrow that red dress from the wardrobe dept., however I think that may look a bit much haha
In your Theory i reckon you will get 42 out of 50
Not having driven, I wouldnt even know where to begin guessing tbh, the only thing I know is there is a theory test.
2 practical, failed both.
Dangerous faults in both. One, almost hit a lorry on a dual carriageway cos i didn't check my mirrors properly. Two, almost ran over an old man in a mobility scooter. Well, he was in the way, how selfish.!:)
Best of luck LML! Might see you on the tables later... innit!
Oh and ive had 80+ driving lessons in four different towns!
my guess 50/50, top marks!!:)
I think you will have 45 ( Suited of course )
*edit to 43 once i realised it was out of 50 and not 40 lol!!