Sat in 2 mtt and played them together, finished 2nd in one and won the other, picking up a grand total of £237.
Yet the spt which I have played for the last 3 days eludes me.
Tuesday my qq gets beaten by posket 88, 88 on flop and turn.
Wednesday , my AKos gets beaten by AJ ,AJ on flop
Thursday, maverick takes me out my A4 against his A5, flop comes A45
Maybe I will try again tomorrow, as my luck seems to have turned the conner.
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Why do ppl care if it is a record. lol

I think he is asking if it is a recond that he sattilited into two mtt and came 2nd in one and 1st in the other. No its not a record Just on a run good session
Yeah Just post topic title as "Brag post"
You are a star!!!!!