Tonight Mr Trevor Harris and myself have a little something extra for you wonderfful Sky Poker peeps to get your laughing gear around tonight!! We will be joined by none other than Sky Poker Legend Dave 'El Blandie' Bland!!
This one's for you Irene 
With Mastercash and the Cash 300, Dave is going to be putting his pedal to the medal and offering his innate poker wisdom and thoughts on your play!!
I personally could not be MORE excited for the lovely Mr Bland to be the proverbial Poker meat in a Long/Harris Sandwich..
Something about that last sentence just sounds all shades of wrongness..
Get your questions for Trev and Dave (Sounds like a Grass roots band!) on this thread!!
More to come later....
Really looking forward to the show, as always
Thanks LML but I brought my own!!!!!
For the record LM TOLD ME TO DO IT ;oD
Looking forward to the show...t'will be EPIC!!
Hope you trio (oh, chocolate!) have a good show.
A MTT question for MR Bland (see, respect there sir)
Playing small PP's OOP. This has happened to me twice now near the cash bubble when playing live. It is widely known that it is easier to shove with any two than it is to call with any two. However, after a couple of limpers I have shoved with AK suited and KQ suited. On both occasions I was called by 33 once and 55 in the other. Both times the small pp held and I was KO shortly after. If the roles were reversed, I could not make these calls with these small pp's so my question really is should I open up my range of 'calling' hands in these situations or continue to have the mind set that I have where I would of folded both of these hands?
(I am sure LML can shorten this question btw, but I hope you understand the principle in the question)
Thanks guys.. keep 'em coming!!

Sky Mandy is on the case getting everything ready for tonuights show... So we will let you know what cash levels we are starting at in about 30mins
We will be kicking off with some 5p/10p and 25p/50p cash action, before moving on to the Cash 300 tables (£1.50/£3) in the second hour.
Keep your hand IDs, and questions, coming in ......
Hi sky mandy, A tough cash spot ,What Would Dave do here .....
Hand History #332319489 (17:50 21/01/2011)
Im facing a shove on the turn after tanking i rather reluctantly folded, was it the right foldthats how you get me to spazzz out
I would like to ask about Delta's first hand at SPT Newcastle where he went out V Mick Jenn (Delta had JJ in the BB and Mick had AK and raised, Delta called so Mick went all in which Delta called and Mick spiked an A.
I'm not saying what is right or what is wrong (I think there are valid reasons for a couple of ways to play this) but I'd like to ask all 3 of you - if you was Delta, how would you have played the hand and why?
cheers all and have a great show xx