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What does Primo have in common with a pub? (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***)

J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
edited January 2011 in Poker Chat
Hello team,

Once again, I've been saddled with Sky Poker's miserbalist-in-residence, as Tikay and I prepare to spend four hours reviewing the action from tonight's main event.

Yes, it's the £15k GTD Primo - a £55 buy-in tournament due to begin at 8pm.  The accompanying television show starts an hour later on channel 865.

There'll be the usual splash of cash and our Sunday-night strategy symposium - aka: The Poker Clinic - plus your contributions via e-mail ( and this forum thread.

And the hot topic tonight?

Well, after being abused by the blonde grumpster for talking about movies on Thursday, I've decided to let YOU set the agenda.  Yes, tonight's programme is just like an open mic session at your local pub.  So, step up on stage...

Want to tell a fascinating train anecdote?  Go right ahead!  Have an opinion about modern architecture?  Share it!  Suggestions for celebrities to join Davina and Russell Brand in Room 101?  Let's be having 'em!

Here's a few questions to get things started:

* How on earth has Jason Statham sustained a career in Hollywood?
* What's a suitable punishment for people who let their dogs foul the pavement?
* Which is more condescending - being called "boss" or "chief"?



  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2011

    I'd like to ask tikay about cricket.

    I know he's a fan of listening to it on the radio (got to be the most pointless thing ever btw, listening to cricket commentry on the radio)...............

    But how does he feel about 50 over cricket, and more rectently, 20 over cricket?

    I reckon TK is abit of a traditionalist, so probably hasn't time to watch a 3 hour 20 20 game, yet has 5 days to listen to a test match.

    If I'm wrong, and he enjoys the shorter format of the game, what does he think to Englands world cup squad that was announced in the week??????????  And does he think that Johnathon Trott is as out of place in Englands one day batting line up, as tikay himself would be in a Velocity mtt????????!!!!!!!!!????????

    In on a freebie tonight, playing for a min cash (all profit) - dym strategy in mtt tournys ftw! :D
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited January 2011
    Following on from Dohhhhhhhh's question... i would like to ask tikay how good was WG Grace? He must have seen him play a few times!
  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited January 2011
    What does Primo have in Common with a Pub?......

    Both the entry price to the primo and the cost of a pint are beyond my Bank Roll ;0)
  • lozgolozgo Member Posts: 1,124
    edited January 2011
    hi boss-men. so sorry won't be watching tonight as there are a couple of important NFL matches on. i'm sure James will understand. just a shame that neither his 49ers or my Patriots are playing!!!!!! i wander which teams will make the superbowl. good luck all. laurie/lozgo
  • PUCPOUNDPUCPOUND Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2011
    Satelited in this evening , hope to last longer then I normally do in this when I get to play it.

    Been up in York this weekend at a large Stamp collectors fair. Played a little friendly cash game with some other dealers on Friday night , bit of fun

    Good luck to every one tonight.

    PUCPOUND (Andy)
  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited January 2011
    Here's a few questions to get things started:

    * How on earth has Jason Statham sustained a career in Hollywood?

    His looks, that's what seems to be the deciding factor in casting for Hollywood. Having said that, I did enjoy the first Transporter film.

    * What's a suitable punishment for people who let their dogs foul the pavement?

    Life imprisonment.

    * Which is more condescending - being called "boss" or "chief"?

    Neither, ooop ere in Yorkshire we have to put up with people calling us duck and love.
  • rosjim1rosjim1 Member Posts: 446
    edited January 2011
    hi guys any idea how any off the sky members did in nottingham this weekend i couldent make it down myself "fingers cross somone will of done well"

    btw james pulp fiction is on tonight a very good film as im sure u know
    and u better get the wife to sky+ the transporter just started at 9
    cheers james
  • WilhelmWilhelm Member Posts: 1,730
    edited January 2011
    Today my mum said that Jason Statham could play me in a film.  Cheeky mare.  He could never pull me off.
  • pryce6pryce6 Member Posts: 1,058
    edited January 2011
    srsly how can i get 6k in 10 mins and have the only bigger stack moved to my left (10k)

  • DAIBOOTDAIBOOT Member Posts: 522
    edited January 2011
    hi james
    ask the old man if this is good play 
    333268372i checked to get a rise dose he think i over bet the pot
  • pudseybluepudseyblue Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2011
    My first entry into the primo tonight and had doubled my stack, picked up 8 9 c on the button and limped in. Hit the flush on the river and got beaten by someone with the J 4 , gutted.
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited January 2011
    Tikay you mentioned sending Pete Docherty to room 101. I used to run a pub just down the road from Kate Moss's house and they used to come in all the time. Pete is actually a really nice guy, he doesn't deserve all the bad press around him. You just need to catch him on the rare occasion he isn't high :-)
  • alan1506alan1506 Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2011
    Can you please show this hand and see if i played correctly


  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited January 2011
    Just wondering what he can call on flop and fold on turn with?

  • edited January 2011
    Please have a goose at this hand;


    Villain has either limped or shoved , but shoving has been very infrequent. Pretty close, but I have a 4k+ stack and I dont think im good shape that often if I call
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited January 2011

    also Doodle Jump
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited January 2011
    i have 3 angry birds in house, 1 misses and 2 daughters
  • edited January 2011
    p.s. I can count the number of times I have folded AK in this spot on one hand
  • PenFifteenPenFifteen Member Posts: 429
    edited January 2011

    Dogs fouling the pavement and Angry Birds ?

    Same answer for both.

    Stop seeing them.
  • Red_KingRed_King Member Posts: 2,850
    edited January 2011
    Talking of cheap Airlines, BEWARE,

    James, what does Tikay know about Denver International Airport?

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