In Response to Re: THE ENJOYABLE WINNING POKER GUIDE PART 4 ( micro cash hot seats ) : +1, yet another good blog mate, keep em coming! Posted by waller02
In Response to Re: THE ENJOYABLE WINNING POKER GUIDE PART 4 ( micro cash hot seats ) : A few measures of the Black Gold, and it'll all s h ort it's s h elf out. With all that profit rover's making, he can pay someone to put up shelfs. Posted by Red_King
like it mate, just, like trip says most nl4 are newbies, i cant play more than 3 tables fair play to the computer generation if they can jump in and do it, also you said "just play prem hands" could you elaberate a bit mate on how! (please god dont let this have been covered in prev blogs!!). good read mind, just got to get my head round playing 6 tables!!! phil
Hi pod ,
Ty 1st m8y for the comment in blog , hope you don't mind me bringing this over here to answer it . its just it is easier to discuss it here .
Basically when 6 tables are open your hitting the fold button unless you hit cards as stated in blog .
So at most your thought process is focused at best on 2 tables at the one time .
i am going to sound really thick here, but here goes!! when i load up 2 tables i put them both on mini view and give awiggle and away i go, same with 3 and 4. now this is where i get stuck, i aint got no more room on me screen for any more!!! do i have to shrienk the little blighters down, and if so how??? sometimes it takes me 5mins to get 4 to fit!!! phil
i am going to sound really thick here, but here goes!! when i load up 2 tables i put them both on mini view and give awiggle and away i go, same with 3 and 4. no this i were i get stuck, i aint got no more room on me screen for any more!!! do i have to shrienk the little blighters down, and if so how??? sometimes it takes me 5mins to get 4 to fit!!! phil Posted by pod1
The down loadable table size is smaller then the old one , but you probably already know this lol . I slightly over lap mine still . Its about bearable for 15 mins do .
? can you decrease the size of you tool bar on top. lol that's sound rude pmsl .
I still await the shelf fixing guide ,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .
Good read Denis
no escape .
ouch !
ty waller .
and it'll all short it's shelf out.
With all that profit rover's making,
he can pay someone to put up shelfs.
Forget all this poker coaching.....when do we get to read about the forum banter??? If it aint soon......I'm leaving
Tilt , money treats & br management next soz alan lol
Noting that you will be closing down 2 0f 6 tables in 15 mins &
2 of 4 tables after next 15 mins .
Dont spread more then 10% of your br across 6 cash tables at once .
8% across 4 cash tables , 4% across 2 tables & 2% on just one cash table .
Follow these rules & you are giving your self ever chance to deal with the bad runs
that do happen in poker .
Hi pod ,
Ty 1st m8y for the comment in blog ,
hope you don't mind me bringing this over here to answer it .
its just it is easier to discuss it here .
Basically when 6 tables are open your
hitting the fold button unless you hit cards as stated
in blog .
So at most your thought process is
focused at best on 2 tables at the one time .
The rest of the info is really in the blog .
I slightly over lap mine still .
Its about bearable for 15 mins do .
? can you decrease the size of you tool bar on top.
lol that's sound rude pmsl .