I know what you mean i went through phase where it was happening to me constant always against aces or the nutz, poor etiquette if you ask me. but hey ho each to their own, i dont slowroll ever
I know what you mean i went through phase where it was happening to me constant always against aces or the nutz, poor etiquette if you ask me. but hey ho each to their own, I DONT SLOWROLL EVER Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Yes i know BUT you need AA or the NUTZ to be able to do it in the first place ;o) xxx
There's some situations in tournys where people slow-roll un-intentionally because they have no idea how strong a non-premium hand is in some situations.
They'll take 4 hours to finally call an 8xbb shove bvb with ATs or pkt 7's, then congratulate themselves in chat at making a "hero call" when they see my 6 high.
I'm so gonna win every single tourny I play today just to hurt these people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why don't players understand that this is the worst trait of a poker player? Villain's excuse...."I get it done to me everyday". GGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Posted by phil12uk
that excuse is the same as the towel on the holiday sunlounger. the justification is often that the germans always put their towels beside the pool. in reality probably all of the towels on sunbeds are english. the person that uses the type of excuse to slow roll should learn some principles and strengthen their character.
Live it's inexcusable. Online, some people have connection delays (occasionally I end up playing whole tournaments looking like I'm slowrolling, and I click as soon as I can) or might be multi-tabling.
the worst slowroll against me was in a cash game at a casino a couple of weeks ago, I overbet shoved the river with a set and my opponent took about 2 minutes to call me with the nut straight on a rainbow, unpaired board lolol.
Live it's inexcusable. Online, some people have connection delays (occasionally I end up playing whole tournaments looking like I'm slowrolling, and I click as soon as I can) or might be multi-tabling. Posted by Eyeman
Agreed but he wrote in chat that he did it cos it gets done to him so defo deliberate!
the worst slowroll against me was in a cash game at a casino a couple of weeks ago, I overbet shoved the river with a set and my opponent took about 2 minutes to call me with the nut straight on a rainbow, unpaired board lolol. Posted by yb
In Response to Re: Another day, another slowroll : LOL I simply voiced my displeasure (he was still kind enough to let me show mine first though). His excuse was that he 'wanted to make sure of his hand'. asdhklashflkashf Posted by yb
The slowroll is bad enough but then they call and they say "what have you got?"
Errrrr does it matter you have the fricking nuts you clown. I was playing a live cashgame in America last year and I overheard the guy saying to his bird what he had (he was all-in pre) and I was betting on the side with someone else.
Now on the river I heard him say to his bird that he had it.
Now he refused to show his cards first, even though he was in position to and had the nuts. I went absolutely mental, steaming drunk Scotsman in LA shouting abuse over the table. thing is everyone stood up for me and the guy who did it ended up leaving the table after I played back at him every hand for about half an hour and he left with tail between his legs.
I simply voiced my displeasure (he was still kind enough to let me show mine first though).
His excuse was that he 'wanted to make sure of his hand'.