Right i was playing a live home cash game and an argument occured over the min betting pattern....so to give you an example, say its three way to a flop, P1(player1) P2 (player) and P3. So if P1 leads out with a £2 bet and gets min raised to £4 ...How mutch is the minimum P3 is allowed to raise £6 (like on sky re-raisng the original raiser) or to £8 (as argued in my home game and a few casinos iv been to, raising the previous bet)
Hope above is clear and you can understand what im asking lol So what is the official minimum raise P3 can make??
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If bet = 2 and raise = 4 then re-raise must equal 8 or more so if reraise was 10 then any further raise must be 20
Local cardroom rules though
In Response to Re: Official rule of raising in NL Holdem.......um is there one?? : WTF????!!!!!
Posted by SHANXTA
At any live game I have played the min raise is twice the biggest bet
So in example above the min he can bet is 8 hence the argument!
Pretty sure Grosvenor rules are standard and the home of SPT Leeds Grosvenor Merrion has the rule as I state it.
Item 26
To me that is really ambiguous and I can see why both "rules" are adopted what one casino says is correct is not always followed at the others
This is how I have always understood it:
Lets say the blinds were 10/20 and the first raiser made it 100 to go. If someone wanted to re-raise, the minimum he'd have to make it would be 180 (20+80+80). I.e the min raise is to raise by 80, the bet size is 180.
Make sense?
The min raise is to increase the bet by the same value of the previous increase to the bet.
In the OP the six is correct for the bet total following the min re-raise.
I think people get confused because of how they are declared. You say raise and then actually state what you are making the new bet size, not the value of your raise (the increase).
On here the min re-raise has to be at least that of the previous raise excluding the call part of the total bet (5/10 so 20 - /> 30 -> 40 for example).
Never played live so not sure what the norm is.
But the rule at DTD is double the previous bet size (ie the call + raise) as it happened on my table in the SPT Final (200BB raised to 400, next player tried to make it 600 and was told it had to be 800 or over)
whenever ive played at DTD (probably 50times or there abouts) it has been the normal rule of double the previous raise ( 2- />4->6) however for the weekend festivals they normally hire out extra dealers and some of them might come from different casinos where they just double the previous bet, or they are just special in the head