Guys - as long as you love sky poker it doesnt really matter if you have the relevant experience etc. Would really love to hear from you APPLY! Daniele :-) Posted by Sky_Dannip
You know what, i'd love to work for Sky Poker!! absolutely love to!! and i could look after my priority customers no trouble, as i have 10 years of customer service experience (telephone/office based)
Also as im young (ish), free, and single, i could easily relocate to Yorkshire and i have family and friends in Sheffield!
Just means there would be no more Greghogg playing on the site i guess! I may well apply, just need to think first!
I have applied, again as greg says i dont mind relocating to do something i would enjoy Can you not play on skypoker then? as my sister mentioned i wouldnt be able to but seems people at skypoker do? if the answer is no then i withdraw my application lol Posted by YOUNG_GUN
No - directly-employed Staff CANNOT play on Sky Poker.
They would need "Admin Rights" to the Site to do their job, & nobody with Admin Rights is permitted to play on Sky Poker.
In my case, I am not "Staff", & I do not have admin Rights.
I have applied, again as greg says i dont mind relocating to do something i would enjoy Can you not play on skypoker then? as my sister mentioned i wouldnt be able to but seems people at skypoker do? if the answer is no then i withdraw my application lol Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Hey - even though you cant play on Sky Poker you can obv watch games and we could look at getting you SPT seats to play at all our events.
In Response to Re: Psst. Wanna job? : Hey - even though you cant play on Sky Poker you can obv watch games and we could look at getting you SPT seats to play at all our events. Have a think ;-) Posted by Sky_Dannip
dont worry my dear i applied already so will have to make a decision if the opportunity came
In Response to Re: Psst. Wanna job? : dont worry my dear i applied already so will have to make a decision if the opportunity came thanks x Posted by YOUNG_GUN
In Response to Re: Psst. Wanna job? : Hey - even though you cant play on Sky Poker you can obv watch games and we could look at getting you SPT seats to play at all our events. Have a think ;-) Posted by Sky_Dannip
Would the successful candidate be working under you Sky_Danni??
(Andy Gray said he would be a referee for me if I apply)
In Response to Re: Psst. Wanna job? : Hey - even though you cant play on Sky Poker you can obv watch games and we could look at getting you SPT seats to play at all our events. Have a think ;-) Posted by Sky_Dannip
i was sooo gona apply. Owell, i love playing on this site too much.
In Response to Re: Psst. Wanna job? : Would the successful candidate be working under you Sky_Danni?? (Andy Gray said he would be a referee for me if I apply) Posted by MAXALLY
Yes they would report to me. *braces self for a barage of andy gray-esque comments* Ha ;-)
Guys - as long as you love sky poker it doesnt really matter if you have the relevant experience etc. Would really love to hear from you APPLY! Daniele :-) Posted by Sky_Dannip
Tikay starts the thread: 1 application.
Sky_Dannip posts: 300 applications. 3 of these people know what they are applying for, the rest are just hopeful. ;-)
In Response to Re: Psst. Wanna job? : Tikay starts the thread: 1 application. Sky_Dannip posts: 300 applications. 3 of these people know what they are applying for, the rest are just hopeful. ;-) Posted by Machka
Poor estimate Machka .. I've submitted 300 application forms myself !!!!!!!!! Think it'll be between me and Sky_Hogg !!
Guys - as long as you love sky poker it doesnt really matter if you have the relevant experience etc. Would really love to hear from you APPLY! Daniele :-) Posted by Sky_Dannip
Im thinking of applying but just have a couple of questions to set my mind at rest, do you do flexible working hours? its just i like a few drinks some evenings and find it difficult to get up before 10am the next day, would this be a problem? Also it says you get free sky tv, does this include the adult channels? Also it says free gym entry, is this compulsory, and the free health insurance, can i have cosmetic enlargement surgery on this, and if i did get the job, can i get the pension now or do i have to wait until i retire at 55? and do i need to know about the off side rule?
In Response to Re: Psst. Wanna job?: lookin at your picture i might just
Also as im young (ish), free, and single, i could easily relocate to Yorkshire and i have family and friends in Sheffield!
Just means there would be no more Greghogg playing on the site i guess! I may well apply, just need to think first!
Can you not play on skypoker then? as my sister mentioned i wouldnt be able to but seems people at skypoker do?
if the answer is no then i withdraw my application lol
They would need "Admin Rights" to the Site to do their job, & nobody with Admin Rights is permitted to play on Sky Poker.
In my case, I am not "Staff", & I do not have admin Rights.
Have a think ;-)
dont worry my dear i applied already so will have to make a decision if the opportunity came
thanks x
Sky_Dannip posts: 300 applications. 3 of these people know what they are applying for, the rest are just hopeful. ;-)
sky mandy & danielle sandwich? how u get on lol xx