next question... is omaha and hilo allowed? eg can i start at plo 4, and then transfer to nl8, then hilo 10, then, nl 20, etc? p.s, ill give it a go anyway Posted by GREGHOGG
quit trying to find loopholes u this is airtight. One disiplne please. again plo hilo or nlhe is fine plhe if u wish but when u move up u must stay in that disipline.
Hand History #334314631 (19:03 26/01/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £3.90 hamtin Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £1.52 Xdevil007X Sit out Your hole cards Q Q hipshooter Fold DJJOE Raise £0.20 £0.26 £3.43 Rhett Call £0.20 £0.46 £1.37 GREGHOGG All-in £3.90 £4.36 £0.00 hamtin Fold DJJOE All-in £3.43 £7.79 £0.00 Rhett Fold GREGHOGG Unmatched bet £0.29 £7.50 £0.29 GREGHOGG Show Q Q DJJOE Show A J Flop 6 J 10 Turn 7 River 4 GREGHOGG Win Pair of Queens £6.93 £7.22
Hand History #334327554 (19:27 26/01/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancewhelan092 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £1.54 GREGHOGG Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £7.53 KORYDOR Big blind £0.04 £0.10 £1.56 Your hole cards J A KORYDOR Check hipshooter All-in £0.59 £0.69 £0.00 peacock10 Call £0.59 £1.28 £7.25 Xdevil007X Fold whelan092 Fold GREGHOGG All-in £7.53 £8.81 £0.00 KORYDOR Fold peacock10 Fold GREGHOGG Unmatched bet £6.98 £1.83 £6.98 GREGHOGG Show J A hipshooter Show A 3 Flop J K A Turn 9 River A GREGHOGG Win Full House, Aces and Jacks £1.69 £8.67
am busted was getting nowhere so went aggro as it was getting late (not recommended btw ) to get the extra 34p took a hit dropped to £5 then downhill after that got me cash in ahead but with 2p/4p you will get called with anything gl 2 all in this Comp
say i get to nl50/100 do i have to play, I`LL BE CACKING MYSELF AT THIS LEVEL. just take money and run like the wind with clean underwear Posted by spornybol
Just something i noticed wasnt reading properly yesterday, Hurst yoy had £12.20 n table, BI for NL10 i stated was £10 so you should have moved up i know you said you got bored, just let me know, ill give you a BY at NL10 if you wish.
eg can i start at plo 4, and then transfer to nl8, then hilo 10, then, nl 20, etc?
p.s, ill give it a go anyway
Hand History #334314631 (19:03 26/01/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £3.90 hamtin Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £1.52 Xdevil007X Sit out Your hole cards Q Q hipshooter Fold DJJOE Raise £0.20 £0.26 £3.43 Rhett Call £0.20 £0.46 £1.37 GREGHOGG All-in £3.90 £4.36 £0.00 hamtin Fold DJJOE All-in £3.43 £7.79 £0.00 Rhett Fold GREGHOGG Unmatched bet £0.29 £7.50 £0.29 GREGHOGG Show Q Q DJJOE Show A J Flop 6 J 10 Turn 7 River 4 GREGHOGG Win Pair of Queens £6.93 £7.22
Hand History #334327554 (19:27 26/01/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancewhelan092 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £1.54 GREGHOGG Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £7.53 KORYDOR Big blind £0.04 £0.10 £1.56 Your hole cards J A KORYDOR Check hipshooter All-in £0.59 £0.69 £0.00 peacock10 Call £0.59 £1.28 £7.25 Xdevil007X Fold whelan092 Fold GREGHOGG All-in £7.53 £8.81 £0.00 KORYDOR Fold peacock10 Fold GREGHOGG Unmatched bet £6.98 £1.83 £6.98 GREGHOGG Show J A hipshooter Show A 3 Flop J K A Turn 9 River A GREGHOGG Win Full House, Aces and Jacks £1.69 £8.67
Best of lucky at NL8 hoggers.
fail! lol
Hi Don due to an outage in my area have been offline just got back on am in on nl4 now if not to late to join in the fun m8?
am currently on £6-26 on NL4 if i get up to £8 gonna be a lot of posting hands as its a grind gl all
I got stacked at 8nl. it went from 6 max to heads up fairly quick, i had about 7 quid left HU.
I five bet all in with K9, guy tanks for ages with 55 and calls eventually for a 14 quid pot! I miss 1 million outs on the turn!
Back to square 1.
got upto £7-65 NL4 then my JJ done by AQ on river back to £6-20 here we go again on the grind gl all
Still going got to £7-76 took a hit back to £6-80
am busted was getting nowhere so went aggro as it was getting late (not recommended btw ) to get the extra 34p took a hit dropped to £5 then downhill after that got me cash in ahead but with 2p/4p you will get called with anything gl 2 all in this Comp
Unlucky DTW