I admire your persistence with these deepstacks and your determination to get people to play them, but no one seems to play these any more!
This is because the 7.15 d/s and others get large fields and there is so much choice that the old 7pm deepstacks don't get a look in!
Maybe it's time to promote something else? Just a suggestion, please dont take this personally innit.. You have done a great job and thank you for your efforts!
+1 to what Greg said, been thinking it for a while now, if people don't want the tournament, it's probably best they remove it and replace it with one we do what..... *hint*
There's good tournys, that could be better tournys, with a wee nudge on the forum.....8-15 deepy that runs every-night would be 1......Also if you're up early enough, the 3pm, 5pm, and 6pm £5.50 tournies too....
I admire your persistence with these deepstacks and your determination to get people to play them, but no one seems to play these any more!
This is because the 7.15 d/s and others get large fields and there is so much choice that the old 7pm deepstacks don't get a look in!
Maybe it's time to promote something else? Just a suggestion, please dont take this personally innit.. You have done a great job and thank you for your efforts!
Saturday will be my last day on here for about 2 weeks, so will do it up to then