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why is there no bbj?!!?!?!?

beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
edited January 2011 in Poker Chat

>sam1986 raised for £6.
/>beaneh called for £6.
/>tallytink called for £5.
/>Boonicon folded
/>Dealing the flop (Ah,6d,6c).
/>tallytink checked.
/>sam1986 checked.
/>beaneh checked.
/>Dealing the turn (6s).
/>tallytink checked.
/>sam1986 checked.
/>beaneh bet £13.
/>tallytink folded
/>sam1986 called for £13.
/>Dealing the river (Ad).
/>sam1986 checked.
/>beaneh bet £65.
/>sam1986 has gone all in for £164.92.
/>beaneh called for £99.92.
/>beaneh showed 6h,7h
>samgoldenballs1986luckbox showed AAAAAAAAAAA asdflkajsdflkjasdfasfasf


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