In Response to TRIED TO WITHDRAW SOME CASH / HAD PROBS / THEN THIS />>> : Nobody called Henry works at skypoker - I think your money may be off to another country lol. Posted by POKERTREV
In Response to TRIED TO WITHDRAW SOME CASH / HAD PROBS / THEN THIS />>> : Nobody called Henry works at skypoker - I think your money may be off to another country lol. Posted by POKERTREV
Guy called Henry sorted it in 1 min . Excellent service skypoker & a big hurray for Henry. Posted by IRISHROVER
Same here Irish.
I had problems with a tournament I'd paid into and Sky sorted it immediately. I was all ready to post a very b'tchy thread but found I had no reason to. I was a bit disapointed to be honest. It's going to an extreme when Customer Services don't even give you a reason to whine anymore. What's the world coming to?
In Response to Re: TRIED TO WITHDRAW SOME CASH / HAD PROBS / THEN THIS />>> : hey irish, was it the guy in russia that posted that your talking about? Posted by NODEAL
In Response to Re: TRIED TO WITHDRAW SOME CASH / HAD PROBS / THEN THIS />>> : noooooo . ty for the nice comment in blog bud , n1 . Posted by IRISHROVER
No probs sir, The help you give on your blog is very concise, helpful and in my humble opinion if followed would greatly increase the compitition. lol I dont know wether to say keep it up or beg you to stop!!
seriously though, cant pick any holes in your advice, hence short comments.
In Response to Re: TRIED TO WITHDRAW SOME CASH / HAD PROBS / THEN THIS />>> : No probs sir, The help you give on your blog is very concise, helpful and in my humble opinion if followed would greatly increase the compitition. lol I dont know wether to say keep it up or beg you to stop!! seriously though, cant pick any holes in your advice, hence short comments. Posted by NODEAL
In Response to Re: TRIED TO WITHDRAW SOME CASH / HAD PROBS / THEN THIS />>> : lol & less bad beat threads in forum . Nevvvvvvvver ! Posted by IRISHROVER
LOL yeah, you will never see a time where there are no bad beat posts on account of the fact that bad beats are directly related to peoples expectations and its a difficult aspect of the game for humans to expect bad beats and accept.
The way I deal with it is to play less than 1% of my roll on cash and never talk or post bad beats ever or even make comment in chatbox, lol I grit my teeth and type in the chat nh you put your money in, took your chance soo your entitled.
No criticism for those who vent by the way, mibi it helps quiet frankly I dono.
In Response to Re: TRIED TO WITHDRAW SOME CASH / HAD PROBS / THEN THIS />>> : LOL yeah, you will never see a time where there are no bad beat posts on account of the fact that bad beats are directly related to peoples expectations and its a difficult aspect of the game for humans to expect bad beats and accept. The way I deal with it is to play less than 1% of my roll on cash and never talk or post bad beats ever or even make comment in chatbox, lol I grit my teeth and type in the chat nh you put your money in, took your chance soo your entitled. No criticism for those who vent by the way, mibi it helps quiet frankly I dono. Posted by NODEAL
It is cringeworthy at times..........
love this even more pmsl .
The doom switch comes on automatically as a punishment to stop people doing it.
ur never get 24 dym's now.
I had problems with a tournament I'd paid into and Sky sorted it immediately. I was all ready to post a very b'tchy thread but found I had no reason to. I was a bit disapointed to be honest. It's going to an extreme when Customer Services don't even give you a reason to whine anymore. What's the world coming to?
noooooo .
ty for the nice comment in blog bud ,
n1 .
seriously though, cant pick any holes in your advice, hence short comments.
lol & less bad beat threads in forum .
Nevvvvvvvver !
The way I deal with it is to play less than 1% of my roll on cash and never talk or post bad beats ever or even make comment in chatbox, lol I grit my teeth and type in the chat nh you put your money in, took your chance soo your entitled.
No criticism for those who vent by the way, mibi it helps quiet frankly I dono.