Apologies for those of you who are awaiting our video clips by the way. Dongles and big video files don't seem to get along. We're grabbing the usual selection of material - including Tikay wearing a baseball cap - so we'll most likely upload these on Monday.
While James has moved up to 30k, Wayne has been doing the downstroll for a little while, currently sat on 11.5k. Nothing to worry about though, with the blinds due to kick up to 100/200 in 10 minutes or so. Plenty of time and we all know he's capable of coming back from about 4BBs.... (re: SPT Newcastle).
While dodgy shirts seem to be seriously lacking, this gent definitely wins the 'Tony Kendall Audacious Fashion Statement' Award. I had to look away while pressing the button on this one!
Quick question - Is Rich Milner there? If he aint then he has a twin who is wearing a blue hoodie and standing in the middle of the card room right in front of the camera!! Posted by dylan12
He is indeed here Dylan. He loves getting the branding out there, although we're going to have to teach him to turn around next time to show off that lovely TSP logo...
Quick question - Is Rich Milner there? If he aint then he has a twin who is wearing a blue hoodie and standing in the middle of the card room right in front of the camera!! Posted by dylan12
If you mean the handsome one making sure Tikay is kept busy, then yes that's probably him.
In Response to Re: TEAM SKY POKER AT GUKPT MANCHESTER - LIVE UPDATES : He is indeed here Dylan. He loves getting the branding out there, although we're going to have to teach him to turn around next time to show off that lovely TSP logo... Posted by Sky_Dave
Ty Dave - yeah he stood to far away from the camera - needs to get nearer - his face was all blurry and the logo wasn't in sight but the blue hoody gave him away
Great work guys - keep the piccies and updates coming - it's truly appreciated
In Response to Re: TEAM SKY POKER AT GUKPT MANCHESTER - LIVE UPDATES : If you mean the handsome one making sure Tikay is kept busy, then yes that's probably him. Posted by TSP
lol nice one Rich
Keep up the good work - wave at the camera next time
Wayne's not getting much going so far. On a 9-3-2 board (2 spades), he's caught in the middle of an EP raiser and Lewis around the back. He folds Q-Q and shows, forgetting Lewis is still to act. Brownndog snap-folds anyway, so no real harm done, and the EP raiser is even good enough to show Kd-Kh.
Nice fold Gliterbabe, just try and do it at the right time eh?
In Response to Re: TEAM SKY POKER AT GUKPT MANCHESTER - LIVE UPDATES : lol nice one Rich Keep up the good work - wave at the camera next time Don't put him on biscuit duty what ever you do!! Posted by dylan12
"Great, now I am getting fashion rubdowns on the Community from Tikay. FML."
Pics and words for now folks.
lJamesl up to around 30k now. Like shelling peas.
Great job btw
If you mean the handsome one making sure Tikay is kept busy, then yes that's probably him.
Blinds are up in 2mins to 100-200 with antes of 25.
Average chip stack is 16,700 with 2,070,000 chips in play.
Lets hope they all come towards Team Sky Poker stacks!
Nice fold Gliterbabe, just try and do it at the right time eh?
It's not me*... ... I mean him
* this may be a lie
Most important stat so far: TSP has 7/7.
Blinds 100/200/a25, MP raiser comes in for 525. Folded to LOLUFOLD on the button who makes it 1550. Blinds folds, opening raiser snap folds.
Nice and easy 1k added to the stack and, while I am not much of a betting man, I have a hunch Reds 3bet with something other than AA/KK/QQ/AK there...
It's the award-winning Sky_Claire.
Any tips on how we can control Tikay?
Reds - 17k
Wayne - 10.5k
Dan - 21k
James - 34k
LML - 26k
Aiden - 11k
Robbie - 15k
Lewis - 22k