Am watching the live feed and it is a surreal experience. I amso nervous when dan goes for chips, more nervous than if it were me playing. Great fun though and GL Dan.
That dealer would be getting a right kicking now !!! Run better Alan, guy just can't pass pre .... Posted by GliterBabe
Once he puts chips in he's not folding, you only had to see the final hand last night when he rr and called all in with KJ on T4Q brd against a guy who had almost as many chips as him, was tight and never bluffing in this spot one player from the final table, obv he had 2 pr T's and 4's and lucky Alan hit A on river for the straight. Apparently this is how he plays. looks like dan and dan are on to him.
Dan lost about 80k in a hand where he got bluffed off by Dan Charlton who, in my opinion, is the most dangerous opponent for Mr Brown. No biggie though - he's still very comfy on the north side of 500k and looks like he's starting to get a feel for the table.
I'm with Talon though - surreal and awesome to see one of our own doing so well on one of the top tours in Europe.
he has got the game ,
love it .
Doesn't that sound good? I reckon that deserves another of these:
A Pot & a Smile from Dan n1
wow Lawerence Gosney is out
7 left - Dan has £7,250 locked up.
Latest from the Dan count: 620-630k
FA Cup draw now on sky sports news
gogogogogogo tid Dan!!
the pick of 5th round draw
Leyton Orient v Arsenal
Man Utd v Crawley Town go crawley
Go Dan!
BTW, is someone using a trophy as a card protector?
Come on Dan - Dan Charlton obv
Quality bluff there by dan on sky dan.... nice
I'm with Talon though - surreal and awesome to see one of our own doing so well on one of the top tours in Europe.