And on the subject of bans, how immature is this email I received from SkyPoker today?
I have been asked to send you a reminder that a ban from the community includes all forms of forum, chat and messaging. This includes personal messaging to other players. If you continue to personal message other players whilst this ban is in place then the next step would be to close your account permanently.
Kind Regards, Nick Customer Care Team
My reply...........
Not really sure what it is that I have done wrong other than make "Friend Requests".
I have been informed that any PM`s I send do not reach people so I have no idea why you are getting in a lather about it. I have accepted my ban and have almost completed half of it without complaint.
I find your stance very infantile to say the least. Maybe instead of sending out childish messages, you could reduce my ban (3 months is more than long enough) or you could apply some consistency across the forum and ban some of your forum mafia for their misdemeanours.
Hi Guys, First of all congrats to W4rlock and Kimpet well played guys. GL in Vegas. Just wanted to say that the conduct of some of the railers last night was nothing short of disgraceful. At the closing stages of what is arguably the biggest tournament that sky run, with certainly the most exciting prize, these 3 individuals chose to use it to insult and berate each other to the max. We're not talking banter here, on the rare occasions when I have been deep enough to have the railers watching I must say I love to watch the chat box and follow the comments. If I had been one of the players last night I would have been less than pleased at having to turn off the chat to get away from these three moron At best it was a combination of stupidity and alcohol, at worst these individuals are actually like that. The one silver lining was that one of the idiots decided that it would be funny to try and mess with SKY_MANDY after she had given him a warning. Oh I would have loved to have been there when the CHAT BAN button was pressed. Really hope that it was pressed. Anyway I normally turn a blind eye to these things but this one really got me going. Here's hoping these idiots wake up this morning with bad headaches and big regrets Posted by JockBMW
This is an excellent post, and I am in 100% agreement - the right word is disgraceful.
No wonder Mickjenn refuses to do interviews at SPT events.
I hope he qualifies for Vegas, will be interesting to see if Sky lift his ban then.
I have been asked to send you a reminder that a ban from the community includes all forms of forum, chat and messaging. This includes personal messaging to other players. If you continue to personal message other players whilst this ban is in place then the next step would be to close your account permanently.
Customer Care Team
My reply...........