this could not stay in shed so copied for gen chat, congrates to you both
Hi all,
sorry I been away for a while, but been super busy, then we ( me and expoacher) went to Amsterdam for my birthday.... Oh before I forget, THANK YOU to Sky poker for my five pound birthday gift..... im sure it will go to good use, MAYBE it will enable me to win a big game....... hmmmmmmm
Anyways, I wanted to share my amazing news....
when in Amsterdam, i seen some awesome stuff, the Van Gogh museum was just one of them, Then we went a strolling along Amstel canal, where I was blown away... after walking along the canal for about an hour, Expoacher asked if i wanted my birthday pressy, ....let me think..... YES!!!
"well you best sit down then"....reaching into his pocket, i wasnt paying much attention, my focus was on taking photos.....but then, i turned to look at him and he was on bended knee....and NOT cos he was tying his laces euther..!! :-) of course I said a big fat YES!!!
so I have been floating on air since last thursday.... I didnt wanna spend ages typing out seperate emails to the guys and gals on my friends list, so i thought what better than to start another thread of.....
Anyways, thats my news
Happy days
Hope your all well......
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Congrats to you Both