Got quite a busy evening ahead, so I hope some of you will share the load.
My Scheduled Tourneys this evening are as follows....
7pm - tikay Sleepstack, 10 seater, £11, 5k chips.
8pm - DoubleStack Main Event, £22, 4k chips.
8.30pm - Take-on-tikay, £5.50, 2.5k chips.
9pm - TSP Classic, £11, 2k chips.
The 8.30 "Take-on-tikay" may have quite a few strangers in it, as it forms part of a League being run on another Forum, but I know them all, & they play poker for fun, so should be quite a lively Rail in this tonight. I hope you'll make them welcome, in true Sky Community fashion.
See you later, I hope.
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Look forward to beating.........I mean meeting them all lol.
For me, it'll be as if there were 50 Dylans or Daiboots on the Rail - the anti-railing will be immense!
Perhaps someone could keep score to make things interesting?
Sky Vs the world!!!
"Keeping score" would be tricky, as only a few dozen will be playing, but there is a healthy rivalry.
A "Team Event" would be cool, but it's tricky beyond belief to set up. If Members migrate across (in either direction) the Deal would be imperilled, and that's the last thing either party wants. A few in each direction is fine & dandy, as has happened already, both ways, & successfully, but encouraging it would be just a disaster, & we can't go down that road. Then we'd have peeps trying to "beat the system" by taking advantage of targeted Promos on one site or the other. We need to rely on people's good judgement & common-sense to avoid that.
In honesty, the Deal has been in place for 1 month, (it's scheduled to last for 3 months) & it's been very much a curates egg for me - incredibly difficult, awkward, & uncomfortable, to "tread the fine line" on both sites, but good, too, & it's doing what it is designed to do, or is so far.
If we can find a way to set up some Team Events without compromising the need not to encourage migration across the Forums, we will.
Good question, Little Dog.
But catch your drift so nothing else left to be said on the matter.
See you on the tables tonight!
I'm a little old to learn multi-Tabling, & if I'm honest, I find it pretty hard to get used to, but slowly, I'm getting the hang of it. I played 6 at once one night last week, & I cashed in 2, so I'm getting there. Last night I played 3 & cashed in 2, so it's not so bad.
The concentration is fine, no prob with that, but to me, I need to be able to know what players are doing what, observation of OTHER players likely actions is more than half of the game in my opinion, so I'm far less effective when multi-tabling. But I am getting a little better at it, & have developed some "methods" to get up to speed, & give myself as much time as possible to make good decisions.
People chatting to me as well as 4 or 6 Tabling? That one is difficult, & I'll be 100% honest with you, I get stressed to death on these nights when I can't reply to all the questions. Closed questions are fine, ("Are you still in the Main Event?") that's a yes or no, but open questions ("I had A-K UTG, & raised it up, was that right?") are a nightmare, & impossible to answer properly under those circumstances.
So I get incredibly stressed out, as it's seems so rude not to reply promptly to everyone. But let's be right, I'm paid to do it by Sky Poker, and most would swap with me in a flash, so I'm deffo not complaining, but it is stressful.
I have less patience with Rail trolls, who deliberately bug me (& the other PTP-ers), ask trolling questions. "Do you like sausages?" has been asked by one specific player hundreds of times during PTP, just to be a deliberate pain. I don't reply to those, & I'm not going to tell you what I think of them.
Then there's the guys who just want to abuse the PTP-ers, which is about as pathetic & lacking in class as it gets, because they know full, well, we cannot reply in kind, & we just turn the other cheek.
Bit there's a positive for every negative, & there are loads of friends who help me out on the Rail & assist me by answering the standard questions. Top blokes them, & I can never thank them enough.
It's all a balance thing.
Another great question, thank you.
Managed to get through the Sats so am in the £4K Double Stack gl all
Who is the PTP tonight?
If it is Rich then why did Tikay start the post? or is it a double PTP? or has Rich got the wrong night?
My head is spinning
My thoughts are that Tikay is getting a free nights poker on his main account, be aware that you do not run deep and find the money going into your sky account instead of your pocket
Free night on my Company Account? I far prefer playing on my private Account. You don't know me very well, do you?! I intensely dislike playing poker with other people's money.