A bad winner I dont mean if someone has been mouthing off in the chat and you give a bit of payback when you stack them.... thats acceptable in my books.
I personally would choose to say nothing or congrats after being on the wrong side of a cooler after a beat.
If someone complains about getting a bad beat to me then.. thats also understandable.
What realy escapes me is what happend to me yesterday, was playing cash and tried to trap a player I had kk hole cards on the button and only called his pre flop raise.
Soo to cut a long story short.... the cash all ends up in the middle, Alas he had pocket rockets soo the cash couldv all went in pre had I not choose to trap.
The person and I cant remember his name at the moment but at the time of play I recognized him , Anyway he typed into the chatbox trying to trap? play the game like a man nodeal... I laughed to myself thinking, Whats this guys problem?
He should rejoice if I played the hand wrong
Be a man means what??
Dont trap?
Always telescope your hand?
To take a chance that your kk might be outdrawn by a skanky 23 offsuit Is not being a man?
My only conclusion to this is that he is emotionally attached to me in some way.
I think the real truth is that while I was blissfuly unaware that my hand was beat from the start and expected to win but accept it if I lose as a part of the game But my opponent ...bless him His little botty was making buttons and in his anxiety typed Play the game like a man meaning.... dont give me stress please..lol
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Shucks im ashamed I didnt even think of that.
Pure gold great post
.... hundreads of bad winners?
Perhaps next time you should consider folding pre
no wonder online is dieing,why are these s c u m even alloud to play?(oh yes money i forgot) anything for money hey sky poker!!!
na no poll but knock yourselves out peeps
worse than a bad loser? hmmm let me think....... oh i know a lame joker
If I wanted to have an insight into the pro"s an con"s of chat on or off then thats what I wouldv posted.
I dont even understand the tilt thing, my original post is merely an interesting observation to me anyway.
I bet f he didnt this is why hes reacted. Also i bet if it was all in pre and the flop turn or river brought a K where was he then.