Has anyone played the version of poker on Red Dead Redemption on the X-Box. There is a method of cheating where you can take an extra card when dealing leaving you (unknown to the rest of the AI players) with three cards. You can then keep any one of your three cards when you fold, the card "up your sleeve" is held for the next hand
It does all sorts of things to the odds. For example, if you got A2 on one hand but folded against a flushing board you can keep the Ace. But then on the next hand, if you get dealt two aces the chances of hitting the set are halved. Same goes if you are waiting for a flush draw.
Are there any variants of poker like this where you can keep cards for the next hand?
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They call it Double Holdem, I have not tried it and probably never will.
But I have not ever seen a game where you can keep all or any of your cards for the next hand.