In Response to Re: THE IRISHROVER MEMORIAL THREAD,I KNOW HES NOT DEAD BUT IT SEEMS THAT THE POWERS THAT BE AV KILLED HIM OFF : Your Idea of what is funny is different to mine. I think your You Tube Video clip was offensive to people that have this kind of problem and shows your true colours. You can be funny without being insulting. As for the Comedy Club you can come and heckle me anytime when your out of your Nappies. Posted by logdon
lol you are deffo funny, Its funny when you realy believe that you have a handle on reality, Its realy funny that you believe you are a good judge of whats funny There is a big difference between what you think is funny and I think is funny but there is another difference, I dont police what you think is funny, I just simply laugh AT you because YOU ARE FUNNY, lol
Please Tell me the one about the bug or spider again, That one was funny.
Oh an more nappy jokes its like comedy twylight zone..
Will logdon become logdout if more than one person thought my post was funny?
In Response to Re: THE IRISHROVER MEMORIAL THREAD,I KNOW HES NOT DEAD BUT IT SEEMS THAT THE POWERS THAT BE AV KILLED HIM OFF : Your Idea of what is funny is different to mine. I think your You Tube Video clip was offensive to people that have this kind of problem and shows your true colours. You can be funny without being insulting. As for the Comedy Club you can come and heckle me anytime when your out of your Nappies. Posted by logdon
I must agree with you on this one! I didnt find it funny! As someone with mental problems it made me feel physicaly sick and I had to turn it off. I dont believe for one minute Nodeal ment to be offensive but he obviosly as no grasp of mental illness or he would not think it was funny in anyway!
pete this supposed to be abit of a laff but you have to lower the tone with childish insults,dont think the mods will like what your saying and certainly mr irish would disapprove,why dont ya just pack it in and apologise to steve
Meant as humor nothing more. Not drunk!!!! What are you doing man you've got some catching up to do. This is an Irish wake after all. Posted by RedHouse
Yes. Im sorry! Its just that my mind is already messed up enough without others thinking it is something to make jokes about and its made me even more over sensative!
pete this supposed to be abit of a laff but you have to lower the tone with childish insults,dont think the mods will like what your saying and certainly mr irish would disapprove,why dont ya just pack it in and apologise to steve Posted by stokefc
Iv lowerd the tone????? I think you need to read all of the posts again, I realy had you tabbed as a smart guy but now im beggining to wonder, Is stieve the halfwit who insulted me?
I have nowt to say sorry for, are you telling me also that my youtube post was out of order?? if not then you dont have a leg to stand on.
I was minding my own buisness untill tweedle dee and tweedledum piped in policing my post.
In Response to Re: THE IRISHROVER MEMORIAL THREAD,I KNOW HES NOT DEAD BUT IT SEEMS THAT THE POWERS THAT BE AV KILLED HIM OFF : so you think your language is acceptable on this forum Posted by stokefc
Yes I wanted to show how angry I was at his insulting remarks,
I find it strange however that you fail to comment on the fact that he insulted me and also that you dont even answer what I asked before.
Was my youtube post out of order???
did he and his counterpart start this with thier policing attitude?
My god Everyone is talking about free speach yet it seems like you agree with these self appointed forum cops.
I answer all posts when im there and cover all what they ask, I dont cherry pick, please give me the same courtecy
pete this supposed to be abit of a laff but you have to lower the tone with childish insults,dont think the mods will like what your saying and certainly mr irish would disapprove,why dont ya just pack it in and apologise to steve Posted by stokefc
Speak for yourself and let irishrover speak for himself
i very rarely open links so i dont no what its about(just summat about computers)im open minded about anything and obviously you dont no the history about donnut,its just how you attacked him and logdon that i disagee with,this was supposed to be abit of a laff without any slanging match,but wot else do you expect on a friday nite on this forum
Logdon could start an argument with herself, I can see where Stokey is coming from, but Donut (sound lad that he is) was a bit quick (as no deal pointed out) to appoint himself as the forum desk sergeant.
i very rarely open links so i dont no what its about(just summat about computers)im open minded about anything and obviously you dont no the history about donnut,its just how you attacked him and logdon that i disagee with,this was supposed to be abit of a laff without any slanging match,but wot else do you expect on a friday nite on this forum Posted by stokefc
Ok let me summarize, I post what I think is a funny video in relation to what is happening, logdon then trys to tell me of basically that it was cruel, I am saying that I have the right to defend my self . Are you thinking I should at this point yield to her point?
Working on that principal I could never post without passing it by her first.
Then the other guy gete involved he uses animal cruelty as an example next to my youtube post. I rightly get angry at the idiot.
well, I for one hope Irish comes back on and posts Always enjoyed his blogs and posts where he gave good advice. Maxally, I'll have a glass or 2 aswell. Oh, just have the bottle!!
Please Tell me the one about the bug or spider again, That one was funny.
Oh an more nappy jokes its like comedy twylight zone..
Will logdon become logdout if more than one person thought my post was funny?
Not drunk!!!! What are you doing man you've got some catching up to do. This is an Irish wake after all.
Its just that my mind is already messed up enough without others thinking it is something to make jokes about and its made me even more over sensative!
This forum has gone to shi`ite since emilyegg got banned and the securitate took over the modding duties.
I have nowt to say sorry for, are you telling me also that my youtube post was out of order?? if not then you dont have a leg to stand on.
I was minding my own buisness untill tweedle dee and tweedledum piped in policing my post.
I find it strange however that you fail to comment on the fact that he insulted me and also that you dont even answer what I asked before.
Was my youtube post out of order???
did he and his counterpart start this with thier policing attitude?
My god Everyone is talking about free speach yet it seems like you agree with these self appointed forum cops.
I answer all posts when im there and cover all what they ask, I dont cherry pick, please give me the same courtecy
Can someone pass me another glass of Irish malt please.....?
It is the last one promise
Chorus is quite fitting don't you think.
in a sick way, you've got to laugh.
Working on that principal I could never post without passing it by her first.
Then the other guy gete involved he uses animal cruelty as an example next to my youtube post.
I rightly get angry at the idiot.
End of
I dont think nodeal was trying to be harsh with that youtube clip.
Just a bit of fun that some have reacted badly too...............
That clip is a joke clip anyway.
Always enjoyed his blogs and posts where he gave good advice.
Maxally, I'll have a glass or 2 aswell. Oh, just have the bottle!!