Yep.. It's my PTP/TSP eve tonight and as usual I'll be playing in the TSP classic at 9pm (currently at 35 runners)
ACE5142000 bad4biss2000 BIGSHANN2000 boxer072002000 canswiss2000 cougar1962000 dtm752000 giantkilla2000 goodylad212000 heskey2000 JAEGERBOMB2000 J affa2000 jimHFX2000 Kiwini4u2000 leepee25012000 LEON12000 LML2000 loki12000 luckylad132000 Magicalman2000 mrs_balti2000 neilftd2000 paultheq2000 Pgooner42000 phil12uk2000 scotty772000 silva212000 smiler592000 Summer112000 THEJMAN12000 w4rlock2000 WeeFatShug2000 whitedog2000 who_am_i2000 xVILLAx2000 YOUNG_GUN2000
I'll be getting involved with some 10/20p St Albans cash action/ SnGs if anyone fancies.. until 9pm.. and then after the Classic.. SnGs...
As a little sweet treat I there will be a prize of TSP entry and an Easter egg to whoever can think of the funniest/most ridiculous reason for the poster before them to be (metaphorically) BANNED!!
ie: The next person on to post could put:
LML is banned for SHOUTING in the forum..
Get it?
Phil-LUCKBOX-12uk should be banned for designing an avatar with terrible dress sense...geek glasses and a balding head...
Instead, he should have lied, like maxally did, and put up a photo of tom cruise ;o)
Any2Suited should be banned for that avatar.
Pomfrittes should be banned for being old, fat and ugly.
And French.
jingle should be banned for looking like Dot Cotton
Irishrover should be banned for having the audacity to speak out against the hierarchy with some home truths...
.....oops, wrong thread.
No surprises there then...
Maxally should be banned for being able to spell audacity. And knowing what it means.
Trips should be banned for shouting and for openly showing affection on the forum
Darich should be banned for being on a diet and entering a competition where the main prize is an Easter egg.