6 weeks ago this guy was playing like a total donk.
3 weeks ago he was playing alot better, but running so bad at the business end of tournys, and scraping min-cashes to keep his head above water.
This last week, he's had an unbelievable run of cashes, including 3 wins and a 2nd in his last 7 tournaments, capped off by binking the £11 £400 gtd tourny which went off at 6pm tonight.
There's no way you can luckbox these results without significant improvement in your game, if anyone is in any doubt, sharkskope him.
Lik a 400% bankroll increase too - the £10 tournys r new to him.
Well played young en.
Even if you do look like Sly Stallone and represent Italy in Irish Rovers 6 nations comp.
Hi Dohhhhhhh, I have had to delete part of your opening post as its against forum rules to post other players Sharkscope Stats, however well intentioned.
Thanks for your understanding
run good much
wd done john ,
& NOW ,
doh has said because you did so well ,
that he will be Johnny foreigner & run comp for you .
n1 doh good on yea bud .
WP Young gun, nice one
Keep it going.
ty all been running too good