Evening boys, I'm not watching the show as I have to revise for my mock law exam at 9.30am tomorrow but worry not as I have it sky+'d as my post exam treat!!!!
So, best American film...EASY!!! I have loads but i'll start with 2 absolute comedy classics...
Eddie Murphy's Coming to America & Adam Sandler's Happy Gilmore!!!!
As a house guest I'd have - Antonio Esfandiari...that guys wardrobe is better than Blandies ;o)
One of the biggest sporting events on the planet takes place tonight... But enough about Primo, it's Super Bowl Sunday! Fancy a flutter on the game? Check THIS out. And, to mark the occasion, tonight's show will have a distinctly American theme - with Ed Giddins promising to speak in a Texan accent for the entire four hours. * So, slice yourself a salt beef sandwich, pop open a Bud (other bottled beers are available) and get yourself registered in the main event: the £15k GTD Primo. The tournament costs £55 to enter and kicks off at 8pm. The live TV show begins at 9pm. Ed and I will be following the action from the Primo (don't forget to e-mail those Hand IDs to skyopen@bskyb.com or post them in this forum thread), before we stop by the cash tables and bring you another enthralling and educational instalment of The Poker Clinic. We'd also like you to answer the following question: Which American poker player would you most like to have as a house guest - and why? Plus, as we all know, Ed's cinematic knowledge is sadly lacking, so can you please nominate the best American film of the last 20 years? Assuming the G-Man hasn't seen it (it's a fair assumption), we can hopefully persuade him to watch the DVD in the next seven days and give us his own review next Sunday * This is blatantly not true Posted by J-Hartigan
ed i`v just heard your comments about the £2.20 deepstack being cheap for fishes i.e like the j3 but i woud lke to say there are very good players in it, infact 80% are very good players and the 20% are the one`s we all hook line and sinker, and 2% off time they get away
james i am very sorry for upsetting you i did not realize that me giving my opinion would upset you so much....i watched seven a long time ago so i promise to rent it out again and give it my full attention..
Just won my first MTT in ages, £250BH, for £100+,
Can you play this final hand, it don't get any better,
There's an American theme in it AA, LOL.
So, best American film...EASY!!! I have loads but i'll start with 2 absolute comedy classics...
Eddie Murphy's Coming to America & Adam Sandler's Happy Gilmore!!!!
As a house guest I'd have - Antonio Esfandiari...that guys wardrobe is better than Blandies ;o)
Kara Scott* - because she's best buddies with Lisa-Marie so LM could tag along. A double-whammy so to speak.
*Canada is in the USA right?
Something a lil different and probably the greatest collection of actors in recent memory.
Why on earth do some of them cry during Christina Aguilera's rendition of the anthem? Feeling her pain maybe?
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind would be in my top ten.
Pulp Fiction or I am legend
Torn between the 2
can i lay this down - should I? I know I'm ahead but do i have to play it?
Ed, i DID check the river to induce a bet. BUT when he bets that big and its a dym... im like what?
And you do see players overbet houses there, sometimes.
Had i known about the player i woulda snapped. In fact, i watched him play the rest of that sng knowing my fold was wrong by the way he played.
hey ho, i still cashed:)
Best film of all time - I know I'm showing my age but you deny it
Please show this so I can watch this fabtabuous hand over and over again :S
poker player dinner evelyn ng