Yep, with all these threads popping up with every man, woman and young gun winning stuff...I thought I would readdress the balance and put up a thread saying what I have won (or not as the case may be!)
Tonight....primo QQ into chipleader K9....blah blah, you know rest.
Vegas AA into chipleader 66.....same same same.
So, if like me, you have won SFA for ages, please feel free to use this thread to post your non winning boasts!
(btw, congrats to all that are winning ATM)
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Seriously though, I am sure that the bad run will end for you soon
I'm running really well on a couple of other sites but can't win anything decent here at the moment. Can't complain though, I had a great 3 months Oct to Dec.
.....And just bubbled in the 7.15 deep stack after 3 1/2 hours!
Off to Del's bar to get wasted! Hope one of you run good peeps can buy us a couple of beers!
Hold that result, I've just won a 250BH for £110+
I bought, re-bought and had ten re-buys. 110% of rivers hit me. Go figure.
It's fixed. Obv. But I've sussed Murdoch.
Im in the same boat im tilted up to the eyeballs at the moment
Hope your luck turns soon.
At worst they will stop me losing for the time that I'm actually watching em!
AA v 77
all in pre flop
you can guess what happened