If you haven't heard about the ARL, please read THIS.
The first event is tonight (Monday 7th). It's a £10+£1 No Limit Hold'em freezeout. Each player starts with 2,500 chips and the blinds go up every 12 minutes, so there's plenty of play.
And plenty to play for! There should be a pretty decent prizepool, plus it's your first chance of scoring a big finish in an ARL event and making sure you're in the running to win that SPT seat.
You can register HERE. You'll also notice the event's been highlighted in the main tournament lobby.
Look forward to seeing you at the tables. Good luck!
I'm now in all 6 too, not sure how I will get on with the Omaha ones though
so for that reason im out, have a good one!
PlayersPlayers Registered: 32 / 2000 BIGSHANN2500 BLOOMIN2500 chriscardy2500 darich2500 debdobs_672500 djblacke042500 doddles2500 dtm752500 FlashFlush2500 Fortunatus2500 goodylad212500 Grim892500 GRINTLER2500 HAPPYNIGE42500 HITMAN_RV2500 J-Hartigan2500 JEFFD2342500 JPDERRY2500 karlluke2500 Kiwini4u2500 lee1002500 OnlyOneCT2500 penguin72500 phil12uk2500 rosjim12500 sara36dd082500 sidsmith012500 SoLack2500 tempusfuge2500 TheDart2500 tikay12500 TommyD2500
But I think it's good to challenge yourself from time to time..
Never one to turn down a challenge! Am in.
Good luck all