OK this is the most tilting situation for any poker player.
You buy into a tournament, and play your heart out, not playing awesome poker, but good poker and holding your own. 40 mins in your ISP's servers go down, its 10 to 1 in the morning so their lines are shut.
Lines are back on 40 minutes later youve busted out your tournament in the worst possible fassion, BLINDED OUT because you where unable to play.
Anyone think i can get first place prize off my ISP for the hassles?
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if not i,d get my ISP changed - so frustrating
However this time as i was playing i just wounder if i can push them to give me the first place prize of the tournament as an appoligy?
Imagine running deep in something really big, then your connection goes out like a light. Not good.
go for the buy in back anything else is a bonus, run better donny don don don don don
The bloke actually read the e mail to me word for word.
At the end of it all. BT did not feel any obligation to notify customers. (Well out of order)
My phone line is with sky now, but that wouldnt have made any difference, cos sky just rent it from BT and rent it or let it, to me.
I just gave up after ringing BT, I couldn't be bothered with the hassle of trying to get something from them.
The worst thing is, I was in a big satelite. When I lost connection, I was 5th or 6th, out of about 27 remaining. 20 qualified and 21st got about £40.
I thought I might be lucky and get £40 without being there, or qualify.
When I checked a couple of hours later. Worst thing possible, I'd bubbled in 22nd.