sorry for the brag post but i'm over the moon!!!! lol ty to all who railed, much appreciated! 14789632 674000 1 £4212.50 + 80 League Points baz___1 0 2 £2527.50 + 76 League Points waller02 0 3 £1685 + 72 League Points Posted by waller02
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii great stuff RIK ;o) Honestly though ryan that was superb play and as you know ALL of us railing you were sooooooooooo pleased gg mate xxx
You where due a big one mate.
I,d be posting if I ever qualified for Primo
Good to see low stakes players cashing big. Gives us all hope - VWP from what i saw - Enjoy the money
nice one congrats
I railed from 62 left. You played a superb game, aggresive and fearless, absolutely no luck involved. Very well deserved, enjoy the money.
noticed you were still in but fell asleep otherwise i would have railed for bit.
Keep up the good work matey, now you stay of my tables
nice to see someone who is as friendly as you get a result
VWP m8 made up for you!!