hi all if u have seen my hands in the clinic or area 51 lol u will see im on such a bad run at mo cant win a hand not alone a tourny im thinking of going to a different site to see if my luck is any better there
its a shame ive been on here for 15 mths may be longer i love the site but cant keep this run of bad luck up it may be the same on other sites
so my question is this when sites say variance plays a big part will i take the bad run with me????? if so thinking of hanging up my poker shoes for a while as there is a big chance im been layed off in next few months so wanna make a bank roll not decimate one ive gone from a small roll of £600 to £7 playing cash tournys and sit and goes in cash i was only putting on may be 20 quid on a 25p 50p table didnt get bulied by regs for been short stack i hit cards they hit monsters lol i know thats poker but i cant see the light at the end of a tunnel oh yes i can who put a train in the tunnel with me arhhhhhhhh
lol good luck all
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EDIT ive just thought about this again and seen that £600 down to £7 is no different from a player having say a roll of £6000 and now has £70 OR even £60,000 down to £700
Very alaarming indeed
cheers for all your help
didnt mean it to sound like nl50 was easier because its not what i ment was that because of the money side i was less likely to play rubbish or fish for cards than nl4 thats what i ment sorry if u took offence mate
As someone who has palyed on numerous sites over the years, (i am a sucker for a bonus), I would say that Sky is as good as any. I have also found that the majority of 'big sites' are infested with regular nits that use tracking software, playing numerous tables, to grind out a living. Sky, however, has far more recreational players making for a far more enjoyable poker experience and probably in my opinion an easier place to play. That's why I keep returning. I would also say Dohhhh makes a very good point. You need to learn and understand that poker is a long term game amd that is how it should be viewed. It is not about making a few thousand overnight, it will not happen. As many experts will tell you it is all about bankroll management and patience. Good luck.