In Response to Re: priority club freeroll : 9 till 5 work 5 till when ever carer . £30/40 no worries but my calls. hard job TK ? wanna swap ?anytime m8 Posted by tony26
Sounds tough but other people have problems too...fact is you're complaining about not being able to join something you clearly have no time to do...
In Response to Re: priority club freeroll : cheers m8 you just answered my question. if you dont play enough because you have a job or comitments you are never TSP material. whether your good enough or not isnt in question? as i said with 30/40 you get peeps fishing and with all the will in the world peeps hit on here !! Posted by tony26
I work full time, I barely get paid enough to cover my bills and I have 3 kids, but I'm still in the priority club. If your good enough you can get in, and if your as great as your claiming you wouldn't need to work.
Like Trips said why are you complaining you can't get into something where you won't have time to play anyway.
I'm confused!!
coxxy aq cotty 66..66 hold & cotty doubles to 13k
still 6 left
Like Trips said why are you complaining you can't get into something where you won't have time to play anyway.
5 left
/>ezryder raised for 3,000.
/>cottlad has gone all in for 10,629.50.
/>terrell08 folded
/>CoxyLboro folded
/>ezryder called for 7,629.50.
/>ezryder showed Jh,Kd
/>cottlad showed Qs,Ac
/>Dealing the flop (3h,As,Ah).
/>Dealing the turn (2d).
/>Dealing the river (Js).
/>cottlad has won the hand (22,759) with Three Aces (Qs,Ac,As,Ah,Js)
Thanks for the Update, Squawky.
/>CharlieF29 showed Ah,Ks
/>terrell08 showed Jd,Jc
/>Dealing the flop (7s,9s,Qc).
/>Dealing the turn (5d).
/>Dealing the river (7h).
/>terrell08 has won the hand (66,883.50) with Two Pairs, Jacks and 7s (Jd,Jc,7s,Qc,7h)
/>CharlieF29 has finished 5th and wins Entry to Vegas Semi - Final.
4 left.....
coxxy back to 27k
Aren't you supposed to be rebuying something ;o)
Cotty 10J
Terell08 KJ
J on turn & Terrell's kicker plays
GG Cotty
3 left
Coxxy A8
Ryder A10
A on turn...kicker plays
gg coxxy wp
We almost saw a flop then ;oDD
Ryder J6s
9 on flop
Ryder down to 25k
9's hold and Ryder doubles to 38k