Through a combination of tiredness and stupidity I mistakenly entered a £55 DYM this afternoon instead of the £5.50 I thought I was entering.
I made a few comments regarding this rather serious error on my part. Now as it turns out the entry fee had been won over the last few days so back to where I started 48 hours ago.
After I had let it be known to the table that I was playing "slightly" above my usual limit, an offer was made that was just incredible, and would only happen on Sky.
The player in question, I wont name him as I don't want to cause the lad any embarrassment, Offer to repay me my entry fee if I was uncomfortable. Just dump the chips and he would get my money back to me.
I just wanted X to know that I really appreciated the gesture, even though I didn't take him up on it.
Sky Players as the best..... Barr None