Hmm. Out of the 8.50 on 13th, played ike a donkey. Not doing so good in the ME, but still 15 xBB, so time yet, down to about 58 left. OK so far in the TOTTY, though, after Tommy had the misfortune to run his AK into my Kings, 5th of the remaining 19 at the mo. Wacko, along with Solly, are amongst the most improved players on the Site, so Wacko will take some beating. Posted by Tikay10
Well he is as lucky as Solly thats for sure tbf no 1 is as lucky as solly lol!! Brave call with the 44 v my Ak, TID now wacko!!
Runaway winner here, in Wacko, but close for 2nd!
Think I need to finish 2nd in the TOTTY to tie with Dyl, or win the TOTTY to beat him. I'm 4th of 6 at the mo.
Wacko is home & hosed, God bless him. He doubled me up twice in the TOTTY, I love that boy, he don't do Pass!
5 left in the TOTTY, I'm right behind the leaders. In 5th place.
I need 3rd place to make a profit on the evening, ugh, & then I have a £25 L-L with Dyl to fund, if he beats me. Marv.
Stack sizes:
Shows what a weird game this is - I had A-K, Crispip had J-J, it all gets shovelled in pre, & I bink.
How much skill did that need? These Finals pretty much play themselves, sometimes.
4 left in the out Dyl, I'm on your case......
A letter has fallen off my keyboard. I can't type acko90 no.
T-U-V- -X