It was ................................ nah, I'll let Rover answer. Posted by harding10
And god help him if he's forgotten what the cards were..................I'll get a **** dingy and row myself across just so I can throttle him............C'mon get a move on Denis.
In Response to Re: GUESS WHAT THE FLOP IS & TURN & RIVER FOR THE LAUGH. : And god help him if he's forgotten what the cards were..................I'll get a **** dingy and row myself across just so I can throttle him............C'mon get a move on Denis. Posted by billyboots
I'm having to charter a **** ocean liner now, I've had that many pm's who want to come and join me !
In Response to Re: THE FLOP IS UP NOW GUESS THE TURN & RIVER LOL : Ok.............a compromise...........I'll only half throttle you then ok........ - Posted by billyboots
I take it you never met my body guard raver then , let me warn you in advance. You will need your finest Royal Navy Fleet to get past my frying pan ninja babe .
In Response to Re: GUESS WHAT THE FLOP IS & TURN & RIVER FOR THE LAUGH. : Now look here, Denis the Menace doesn't any more encouragement from the likes of you Sporny.........I bet you like to catch flies and pull one wing off so you can watch them spin round and round all day on the window shelf...............................yeah, thought so .....I'm right aren't I........... - Posted by billyboots
In Response to Re: THE FLOP IS UP NOW GUESS THE TURN & RIVER LOL : I take it you never met my body guard raver then , let me warn you in advance. You will need your finest Royal Navy Fleet to get past my frying pan ninja babe . Posted by IRISHROVER
She was the 1st to pm with the ferry time
I have this vision in my head of the two of you, on a hot summers day, the pair of you drunk as skunks on Pimms and wearing your straw hats and shades, actually doing playing poker I reckon.
In Response to Re: GUESS WHAT THE FLOP IS & TURN & RIVER FOR THE LAUGH. : I have this vision in my head of the two of you, on a hot summers day, the pair of you drunk as skunks on Pimms and wearing your straw hats and shades, actually doing playing poker I reckon. Posted by billyboots
very camp your right billy , sporny can do Shakespeare, did you know that .
In Response to Re: GUESS WHAT THE FLOP IS & TURN & RIVER FOR THE LAUGH. : very camp your right billy , sporny can do Shakespeare, did you know that . Posted by IRISHROVER
Now I'm cast adrift here and floundering aimlessly in open waters................can you expand a little further pls.
In Response to Re: GUESS WHAT THE FLOP IS & TURN & RIVER FOR THE LAUGH. : Now I'm cast adrift here and floundering aimlessly in open waters................can you expand a little further pls. Posted by billyboots
In Response to Re: THE FLOP IS UP NOW GUESS THE TURN & RIVER LOL : ooops forgot about this lol , will sort it now billy . Posted by IRISHROVER
Well I'll be mighty grateful there Denis...................can't wait to see if anyone guessed correctly and whether you took the pot...........I assume you didn't but I was wrong with my guesses with the flop, so I could be wrong again..............:)-
In Response to Re: THE FLOP IS UP NOW GUESS THE TURN & RIVER LOL : Well I'll be mighty grateful there Denis...................can't wait to see if anyone guessed correctly and whether you took the pot...........I assume you didn't but I was wrong with my guesses with the flop, so I could be wrong again..............:)- Posted by billyboots
In Response to Re: THE FLOP IS UP NOW GUESS THE TURN & RIVER LOL : There you go billy soz about the senior moment . IRISHROVER Small blind 200.00 200.00 8386.87 harding10 Big blind 400.00 600.00 6788.13 Your hole cards K A thrar4 Fold x Call 400.00 1000.00 5340.00 jjjach Fold hector45 Fold IRISHROVER All-in 8386.87 9386.87 0.00 harding10 Fold x All-in 5340.00 14726.87 0.00 IRISHROVER Unmatched bet 2846.87 11880.00 2846.87 IRISHROVER Show K A x Show J A Flop 3 J J Turn J River 7 x Win Four Jacks 11880.00 Posted by IRISHROVER
Ty Denis..................................the winners are.........Robbierott (JJJ); Murray(KKJJJ); Scouse (AJAJJ) & Beeasyone (KKJJJ) will all receive a copy of an exclusive limited edition of 'How to keep your audience in limbo without even trying' by Irishrover................non-returnable and no cash substitution (in other're effin stuck with it)................:)-
In Response to Re: THE FLOP IS UP NOW GUESS THE TURN & RIVER LOL : Ty Denis..................................the winners are......... Robbierott (JJJ); Murray(KKJJJ); Scouse (AJAJJ) & Beeasyone (KKJJJ) will all receive a copy of an exclusive limited edition of 'How to keep your audience in limbo without even trying' by Irishrover................non-returnable and no cash substitution (in other're effin stuck with it)................:)- Posted by billyboots
AND not forgetting his side kick very funny billyboots ,
God i used love reading billyboots , the newer version of course lol .
Billy's Boots was a popular British comic strip by writer Fred Baker and artist John Gillatt, later continued by Mike Western. There was an earlier, humour series called Billy's Boots, written and drawn by Frank Purcell, which appeared in Tiger between 1961 and 1963, with a similar premise to this later series. It's very likely the humour version inspired its more serious namesake. The later more serous Billy appeared in the first issue of Scorcher in 1970, and later moved to Tiger when the two comics merged in 1974. In 1985 Tiger in turn merged with EagleRoy of the Rovers. New adventures of his were included in the weekly comic until May 1990 (later followed by reprints), before he switched to Best of Roy of the Rovers Monthly. The strip also appeared in a number of annuals, including annuals for comics which had themselves ceased publication, and is still fondly remembered by fans of the "golden age" of British boys' comics. [1] In Finland and Sweden, Billy's Boots was published in BusterTotal Football magazine until it closed in 2001, and Billy's story was also reprinted for a few months in the now defunct Striker comic.
and the strip moved again, however just a year later Billy's adventures relocated once more, this time to magazine. Back in the UK, stories based on Billy's earliest adventures appeared in
In Response to Re: THE FLOP IS UP NOW GUESS THE TURN & RIVER LOL : AND not forgetting his side kick very funny billyboots ,
Crikey Denis, well I never..........I honestly didn't know all that existed, never heard of Billy Boots before.
I'll have to find a picture and use it on my profile (when I find out how to do it,....I'm useless with that kind of stuff)'s been good fun buddy..........keep em coming.
I take it you never met my body guard raver then ,
let me warn you in advance.
You will need your finest Royal Navy Fleet to get past
my frying pan ninja babe .
sporny can do Shakespeare,
did you know that .
'War & Peace' didn't take this long to write !
will sort it now billy .
* sigh*
Longest Bad Beat thread in Sky Poker history!
God i used love reading billyboots ,
the newer version of course lol .
Billy's Boots was a popular British comic strip by writer Fred Baker and artist John Gillatt, later continued by Mike Western. There was an earlier, humour series called Billy's Boots, written and drawn by Frank Purcell, which appeared in Tiger between 1961 and 1963, with a similar premise to this later series. It's very likely the humour version inspired its more serious namesake. The later more serous Billy appeared in the first issue of Scorcher in 1970, and later moved to Tiger when the two comics merged in 1974. In 1985 Tiger in turn merged with EagleRoy of the Rovers. New adventures of his were included in the weekly comic until May 1990 (later followed by reprints), before he switched to Best of Roy of the Rovers Monthly. The strip also appeared in a number of annuals, including annuals for comics which had themselves ceased publication, and is still fondly remembered by fans of the "golden age" of British boys' comics. [1] In Finland and Sweden, Billy's Boots was published in BusterTotal Football magazine until it closed in 2001, and Billy's story was also reprinted for a few months in the now defunct Striker comic.
and the strip moved again, however just a year later Billy's adventures relocated once more, this time to magazine. Back in the UK, stories based on Billy's earliest adventures appeared in