how do they compare?
i've done quite a few of the freerolls in order to "prepare" to some extent to having a go at tournies having concentrated on cash for the most.
If you can get past the initial free for all I tend to go quite deep and have cashed in a fair few even making the final table once. I do not rebuy.
I don't know if are comparable and if they are up to what sort of buy in - £2?
Any thoughts?
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Up to you, Mr Wales, but a pretty big "Freeroll Festival" will be starting on Sky Poker very shortly.....
if your looking to play low stakes, i suggests try the deepies but be aware they're people who will stack of with underpair & top pair which is a good thing but dont bluff early levels as your get called alot
I'm doing post its for putting all round the screen and a BIG poster for the wall saying this!!
Saying that I like the freerolls being here and I hope they stay, there's no doubt in my mind that they're an ideal first step for new players thinking of coming over from playchip games. People who never deposit and only play freerolls will probably use any winnings to buy-in to other games, then lose it. So a fair bit of the prize money ends up being spread among the regs eventually even if they don't actually play in the freerolls themselves.
I hope I'm factually correct with the above statement, but I thought it's worth mentioning for the benefit of any new players on the site................ sorry to butt-in
Ps; For any new players to poker it's so much better to play as many freerolls as possible first rather than risk losing your bankroll.
Details of a new Freeroll Fessie will be announced on Friday morning. It will start on Friday, too.