blinds 10_20 i raise to 120 in early posision with AK and i get 2 callers. The flop comes 10.J.Q with 2 diamonds. I put in a half pot bet both players call. The turn brings a 9 and i bet half pot again both players call. The river comes a diamond :i can't remember which one: so i bet 500 the player to my left raises to 1200 the other player reraises to 2700 i fold and other player calls. the player to my left shows a king high straight holding K9 the reraiser shows A flush holding A8 diamonds. How much should i bet to stop people calling with marginal hands and to stop people chassing straights and flushes?
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Hi Die,
Really, you WANT them to chase straights & flushes, up to a point! If they miss on the end, you will have got nicely paid if you had bet every street properly. MOST times they miss.
I don't think you did too much wrong, really. Maybe 3/4 pot bets on flop & turn, rather than the weak lead (though that could be argued as good play if they had missed....) but in that Tourney, they were never folding anyway, & so if they miss, you get paid more.
Keep doing what you are doing, you'll be OK.
PS - Welcome to the Sky Poker Community. Enjoy.
Dohh's said it better than me, but a word of advice which may help.
Try to challenge the nonsense that populates poker forums from time to time. I could probably find for you, on ANY poker Forum, a 1,000 Posts which say "they are all numptys, I can't beat these idiots who chase straights & flushes, I give up".
Now invert that argument, or at least, think it through.
Yes, we DO want them to chase! They miss more times than they hit, & we all know that all calling stations go busto sooner rather than later.
Challenge what everyone says, think outside of the box, think for yourself. You'll be surprised at how profitable the harvest is.
YBA, trust me.