TFI Thursday!
Yes we've lined up another beauty tonight- full coverage of the £15k Bounty Hunter (sign up now for TV fame) simulcast on Sky Sports 4 (yes, even more TV fame) and commentated on by one of Britain's top live players, Ian Fraser.
Need more? OK, how about 3 rounds of Disastermind as two more contenders step forward to try and achieve the impossible- unseating the juggernaut that is Guy Collins aka Direwolf from his Disastermind throne.
Fancy entering the fray to see if you can go on to pick up as many free tournament entries as Guy has? See the dedicated thread on the front page of General Poker Chat for all the nympho, sorry info.
What else? Well, we've got cash. Lots of lovely cash action which we'll do at some point. And we'll broadcast all your emails and posts on this thread.
Nothing is this good, is it? I hear you cry. There must surely be a catch?
There is.
Tikay's also on the show.
Sigh. Still, can't have it all, eh?
So- hand requests, banter, and your questions for Ian Fraser please.
That's the Bounty Hunter 8pm Channel 865. See you there and good luck to all who sail in her!
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Hi guys, I am looking forward to the show! Its great that Ian "the raiser" Frazer is on, and i assume his nickname is self explanatory, although i would be interested to know how it originated?
Also Some alternatives...
Tony "The folder" Kendall
Rich "the station" Orford
Have a great show guys, i'll be watching.
Question for Ian, which tournament do you enjoy playing in the most ?
What would you rather, nippl£s that constantly pour out milk or bath taps as hands ?
Satellited in to the Main Event tonight...Don't think I have played this one before?
If your able to show any hands of myself then that would be quality...
SPT Luton soon fellas!
Loving the mixture of style and youth tonight, both from Ian and Tikay, whilst Orford is there to make them look even more youthful ;D
please show this hand, did i play it badly? should i have folded? just ul???
I think you should do an update of the top ten in the Vegas fest final tonight Tikay.....:))
hi rich tikay and ian
this shows my luck at the moment lol
great show by the way guys
and ian is luke schwartz as mouthy of screen as he is on it?
thanks sara 36dd08
Hi Rich and Tikay
Really enjoying the show as always.
Can you ask Ian if it is easier now he is a poker professional rather than working for Arthur Daley?
Pen Fifteen
could you please inform TK that JCB is acutally Ed Giddens middle initials. Stands for Just Can't Bat !!!!
question for ian have you ever folded AA pre flop?