Ok been grinding the £1 DYM's for a while now and got my roll up to £67, how many buy-ins should I have to move up to £2+25 ? I was thinking in the £80 region allowing me around 35 buy ins, or would that be to soon thus me having to wait till I hit a 3 digit bank roll ?
Also is their a way to block myself from sky bet and Vegas as before I've had good success plying poker but let myself down by suckling to my gambling needs after a poor run.
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I'm on 80 buy in's but I am being a nit with my br! lol
40 buys in's should be fine....what did you start with to get it up to £67?
If I were you I'd move up to the £2 at £80 and if you drop to £40 go back to £1 to rebuild....
When you get to £120 you could then try the £3 level.
ps, once you get to the £3 levels the rake goes down a little....at the moment you will be paying 15p rake and then 25p rake on the £2 level but only 30p on the £3 which helps a little more
It all depends how the money affects you...if you lose a few games and it makes you miserable then go for 50 buy ins
pps, I think I heard on the forum other people blocked bet & vegas but just be carefull that you don't click the wrong bit and block your poker account! lol
Good luck! x
I imagine you play a fair few table at a time ? Just about mastered 2 tables perhaps make the move to 4 tables when I can trust my concentration more.
And yes will look into blocking bet and vegas, you know it's bad when you put your whole account on a game of virtual football !!!!!!
Its all player dependant though im comfortable reloading so therefore ill play less BIs than those who arent. If your not so comfortable more BIs are better, However i know Bananadog has done very well with her Extreme BR plan and she does offer some very good advice too.
I do have a slightly nitty br management thing going on don't I...but I don't reload, if you can easily reload without it hurting you then that's also an option where you can just go for it at a higher level and see how quick you can build it and if it all goes wrong just stick another £20-£50 back in
You might find that playing 2 x £2.25 DYM's with the help of sharkscope is more profitable than playing 4 random DYM's at £1.15.
You do still need to be aware of what's going on with the sharkscope selected tables. I sat down for a £5 fish supper the other night to find Dohhhhhh at the table, although I still cashed.