sounds like this poker game took place in DELS bar, i would of thought it happened about an hour after opening as ONLY one pint was knocked over, and to be fair to the dealer he did pick up 52 cards to deal with, if it was later on in the evening then, everyones pint would of been split and the deck would of been only 39 cards !!!!
its tournament ,and we are sitting on a 9 handed table ,the dealer drops the deck on the floor ,and does not pick up the queen of diamonds ,or the 9 of clubs ,but accidentally adds the 2 jokers back too the pack ..........the player in seat five and the player in seat 8 ,leave the table ,(toilet break)whilst the hand is dealt ..........when both players arrive back ,they accidentally sit in the wrong seats ,the big blind picks up on this and tells the player in the small blind,but does not inform the dealer .............the hand is dealt ,the player in seat 7 raises ,and the player in seat five goes all-in ,the small blind calls ,and we see a flop ,,,,,,,6spades ,joker ,joker ,.........the guy in seat four takes his glasses off in amazement ,and the guy in seat 3 ,knocks over player 2s pint ,,,,,,,,so we now have all the information we need ,,,,,what was the turn ,and river ? and where was player one ,when all this was happening ,and where did player 4 buy his glasses? winner receives free entry to this tournament next week .gl ten Posted by TENOFSPADE
This should be in the clinic .............. mods please move asap
Is the answer.....You should really get out more????
i would of thought it happened about an hour after opening as ONLY one pint was knocked over, and to be fair to the dealer he did pick up 52 cards to deal with, if it was later on in the evening then, everyones pint would of been split and the deck would of been only 39 cards !!!!
was it Miss Scarlet in the Library with the Candlestick???????