Well guys and girls since makin my firtst 90 pound investment in poker 2 year ago due to constant playing any spare time i had iv recently become dissilusioned with the game i thot i'd never tire of so iv emptied my 3 accounts and its time to bid u all farewell for now im sure i'll be back when im feelin refreshed

what i want to know though is those of you who experienced this issue how did you deal in overcoming it ??? i dont look forward to playing anymore and breaks my heart lol thanks
i have played a lot less lately due to the fact i have not enjoyed it so much.(meaning i keep getting sucked out on and sulk)
just play a couple of games/sessions a week and you will soon be itching to get back into it again.
Or is it a secret ?
Don't leave for good, just take a break.
I got like you and was getting fed up with it, so I play alot less now.
Take say a week away and I bet by then you will be itching to get back.
Ps. get away from 8nl if you can!!!! It will drive you nuts otherwise!!
definatley time for a brk I,d say - and see how you feel in a week - read Dohhhs book and you,ll be back enjoying it again before you know it, but just maybe cut it down a bit
Any chance you can tell us what the book is Dohh or PM me - Any sort of help right now wiould be appreciated
Wonders never cease!
Your namesake,
seen you on the nl4 tables where wild variance is a way of life!!
taking a break is a good idea, get things in perspective, and come back fighting.