In conclusion, I think he is the invisible man!! All his posts seem to of disappeared overnight which is about as much of a shock as a Sky Poker river.... (just waiting for the 'this thread serves no useful purpose' message) Posted by MAXALLY
The thread might serve a useful purpose Maxally, but whoever decided to come on as JDBieber and basically troll for a couple of days certainly didn't...
In Response to Re: Who is JDbieber? : The thread might serve a useful purpose Maxally, but whoever decided to come on as JDBieber and basically troll for a couple of days certainly didn't... Posted by Sky_Dave
Are you insinuating that he was not the high roller that he made out to be??
In Response to Re: Who is JDbieber? : The thread might serve a useful purpose Maxally, but whoever decided to come on as JDBieber and basically troll for a couple of days certainly didn't... Posted by Sky_Dave
More responses like this from mods and staff please!!!!!!!!!
RIP JDBieber