Yeah, just like to concur with general thought. Although not the most charasmatic guy I've seen, he was an excellent analyst and great to get into the mind of a top tourney player. Tyvm
Thanks for all the positive feedback. Will be inviting all the current guests back in on different nights so they try and cover both cash and tournaments.
Ed looking for Blockbuster on his car sat-nav? lol - Sweet.
Hold on if you aint watched a film since Pretty Woman. Why do you have a love film subscription?
More lies Giddins.
when you give others such fun with your donk play do you think it would be called, "reciprocal fun equity play?"
when you get pleasure from seeing others' donk play do you think it would be called, "reciprocal fun equity play by proxy?"
Isn't it called Fun Equity when you have "a col in your nose, Mum"