Hi TK, I wonder if you could help me out with a weakness in my game.
Whether to check or bet with 2nd pair?
I know this will depend on the setup, so here's an example. Blinds 300/600, we both have 15,000 chips
I'm on big blind with QT, the cutoff raises to 1800, he's an aggressive player and been taking blinds so I call.
Board shows rainbow flop KT3. The pot is now 3900, should I check or bet? How big should the bet be? If I bet and he calls, how should I act? If he min raises how should I act? If I bet less than 2/3 pot would he smell weakness?
This is an area of my game that I fall down on, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I know if I check he is likely to bet into me.
Many thanks, Graham (STAYORGO)
P.S. I also posted this on the Poker Clinic, hope that was OK.
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