Started playing agian on this site about 9 days ago. I entered a free roll and came first winning a whoping 13.50.
After that i enterd a few dym and bh games. I made the final table on a few bh's and won many dym.
I built my bank roll up to about 420ish pounds in the 9 days but in the last two days i have lost every single dym and sucked out within 30mins on every tourny i have entered.
Im now down to my last 28 pound and im feeling really **** any adviced?
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Spend remaining monies as above (a free night can never be taken away from you).
Wake up in the morning and ask yourself why you played a £55 tournament with a £400 bankroll.
Sorry for the tough truth (and sharkscope spying) but had to be said.
Thank me after