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Thanks and goodbye

edited February 2011 in Poker Chat
You may have noticed , I've not been a regular contributor to the forum recently. sort of becoming disillusioned with poker recently, especially doubting my own ability.

Just wanted to say goodbye to all those that I've had the pleasure playing with, chatting with and meeting at SPTs over the last 2-3 years. Tonight will be my final night on the tables.

You've got a great site, community and forum here guys and a special thanks goes to Tikay, Rich orford and all the other Skypoker presenters and team.

Good luck to you all, hope to see many of you on tv in future big tournaments.

for those wanting to keep in touch, you can always add me on facebook , not many David Pilling in the world.

Thanks for all your kind words and support, stay lucky guys (and gals )



  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited February 2011
    In Response to Thanks and goodbye:
    You may have noticed , I've not been a regular contributor to the forum recently. sort of becoming disillusioned with poker recently, especially doubting my own ability. Just wanted to say goodbye to all those that I've had the pleasure playing with, chatting with and meeting at SPTs over the last 2-3 years. Tonight will be my final night on the tables. You've got a great site, community and forum here guys and a special thanks goes to Tikay, Rich orford and all the other Skypoker presenters and team. Good luck to you all, hope to see many of you on tv in future big tournaments. for those wanting to keep in touch, you can always add me on facebook , not many David Pilling in the world. Thanks for all your kind words and support, stay lucky guys (and gals ) Jaeger
    Posted by JAEGERBOMB
    Dave why not take a break the next time you're on the rig mate. It would be a shame to lose you.
    How you can doubt your ability is beyond me I hope I speak for all when I say you are a top player, we all go through ups and downs it's poker mate.
    take a few weeks off when you're next offshore and come back all the stronger bud
  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited February 2011
    Don't say good bye..just say "see you later" and have a break :) x
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited February 2011

     I was a bit worried you might come out saying this... One minute you were playing £5 MTT's steadily going along enjoying poker blah blah, then you had that big Primo win and suddenly you were playing 200nl and the big cash 300 game. I think you have just jumped way to many levels too quick and are feeling the beats now they are worth £200 instead of £10.

    My advice is take a break, a month or what ever you need, come back with a smaller bankroll and go back to the games you were ENJOYING. Rome was not built over night (Or 1 tournament)
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited February 2011
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited February 2011

    Q. What do Peter Eastgate, Shaun Deeb and Jaegarbomb all have in common?

    A. They've all retired from poker.

    Eastgate and Deeb were both back playing within a year or so.

    We'll see you in a few months!

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited February 2011

    The world has gone mad I tell thee. Sounds like a few of us are disillusioned with poker ATM and need to refocus and/or take a break. I hope you reconsider David after maybe a few days/weeks away which hopefully will refresh you and you will come back to smash the tables up again.
    Are you sure you just don't need a week @ Burgundy fields mate???
    Take care dude......hope you don't feel too blue for long (not an Everton link btw).

  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited February 2011
    have a break, refreash and refocus and come back fighting! phil
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited February 2011
    Jaeger if it is the swings that are getting too much then just lay off cash and play the 2.20/5.50/11 tournies to get your poker fix.  The schedule is pretty good now so theres usually a decent torunie about.

    Mix in trying to sat into some big tournies too and you'll soon be on fire again.
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited February 2011
    Hi Dave,

    Will be sorry to see you go if that reallly is the case.

    Who's going to be my number 2 in the next TKO?!

    I'm rather hoping though that you're just having a crisis of poker confidence, which happens to us all (me more than most!) and that one good result and you'll be loving your game again.

    Fully respect your decision though. But even if you don't play again, please do drop by from time to time on the forum or the show to say hello!

    Cheers for all your input

    Rich :)
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited February 2011

    Sigh Plopper

    You are one of the nicest and fun people around here

    Hope u think again. if you dont mind ill give you a call at some point i have your number innit...

  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited February 2011
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited February 2011
    Sorry to hear that Jaeger - sleep on it for a few days and all will seem better.

    A few days off works wonders.
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited February 2011
    David, have you lost your mind?  I'm sure a month on the rig will sort your mind out, if it's a choice of coming back to FarmVille or Sky Poker, surely Sky Poker wins hands down?

    Don't let doubt of your own ability stop you, it never stopped me or Alan.

    If you want to phone for a chat anytime, please pick up the phone, you've got Irene's number still I assume?

    Seriously, see you in 4-6 weeks at the tables and at SPT-Whatever we are both at next.

  • LMLLML Member Posts: 1,708
    edited February 2011

    This will NEVER do.. Not when you still owe me 5 Jaegerbombs!!

    *SAD FACE*

    No Goodbyes.. Just a see you later?? 
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited February 2011

    chillax babe, for a wee bit, then see..

    best regards

  • lozgolozgo Member Posts: 1,124
    edited February 2011
    As my dad would say...TTFN. The others have said it right. Take some time out, have a few in Del's bar, kick a couple of cats and come back refreshed. IF you don't come back then all the best for the future.
  • tikay1tikay1 Member Posts: 741
    edited February 2011

    For most of us, that's very sad news, Dave.

    You have become a personal friend to me, & a good one, at that, & you'll be much missed by me.

    Most "I'm leaving" Posts mean the opposite, but I think you, sadly will be the exception.

    Whatever you do, be happy mate.

    Sky Poker is a poorer place tonight.
  • billybootsbillyboots Member Posts: 1,197
    edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: Thanks and goodbye:
    For most of us, that's very sad news, Dave. You have become a personal friend to me, & a good one, at that, & you'll be much missed by me. Most "I'm leaving" Posts mean the opposite, but I think you, sad will be the exception. Whatever you do, be happy mate. Sky Poker is a poorer place tonight.
    Posted by tikay1
    I don't know you personally Dave, but you must be a gem of a bloke when you get so many Sky presenters bigging you that's worth a second thought at're extremely well thought of and the community will always need guys like you.....pls regards Billy .
  • tikay1tikay1 Member Posts: 741
    edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: Thanks and goodbye:
    In Response to Re: Thanks and goodbye : I don't know you personally Dave, but you must be a gem of a bloke when you get so many Sky presenters bigging you that's worth a second thought at're extremely well thought of and the community will always need guys like you.....pls regards Billy .
    Posted by billyboots
    True. I'm genuinely sad to see him leave. Top bloke, really genuine.

    He paid - PAID, with his own money - for a "Friends Freeroll" last Christmas!

  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited February 2011
    Lets all have a group hug as there seems to be alot of negativity on here right now.

    Like flash has said maybe drop down the levels where you can take the beats better.

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