OK, i know this is not cash.. these are DYMS. But i have dropped yet another 10+ buyins today. Its not going well and im taking a mini break. Thanks for this thread Hursty, i didnt think i would need it, and i wouldnt usually use it but.... ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHH
Phew. feel better now...
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceconnell12 Small blind 150.00 150.00 2438.75 GREGHOGG Big blind 300.00 450.00 2075.00 Your hole cards A K nextonet25 Fold xpussycatx All-in 2723.75 3173.75 0.00 connell12 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 2075.00 5248.75 0.00 xpussycatx Unmatched bet 348.75 4900.00 348.75 GREGHOGG Show A K xpussycatx Show A J Flop 7 8 5 Turn Q River K xpussycatx Win Flush to the Ace 4900.00 5248.75
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 50.00 50.00 1795.00 Tannerboy Big blind 100.00 150.00 4117.50 Your hole cards A A lcfcfan14 Fold redtomo Fold KOPKING Fold GREGHOGG Raise 200.00 350.00 1595.00 Tannerboy Call 150.00 500.00 3967.50 Flop 8 4 6 GREGHOGG Check Tannerboy Check Turn K GREGHOGG Check Tannerboy Bet 375.00 875.00 3592.50 GREGHOGG All-in 1595.00 2470.00 0.00 Tannerboy Call 1220.00 3690.00 2372.50 GREGHOGG Show A A Tannerboy Show 5 J River 3 Tannerboy Win Flush to the Jack 3690.00 6062.50
people really like their tournament lives. think i go out the 8pm main event pretty much the same kinda way every night. lets call off more than 75% of my stack with AJ. oooo think i will join you with my A-10 hahaha. good call pager wp. fml
Y wud u check the flop?????????????????????? Posted by DOHHHHHHH
because the villain was agressive and i thought he would bet for me. as you can see i got the money in good on the turn as a good favourite to win the hand. thats the idea innit.
but ye, if i bet the flop properly, and shove the turn thats the standard way and i should prob stick to standard in dyms. but i was trying to play the player.
Dohhh can confirm that I got a bad beat of all bad beats on a footy bet tonight.
Was waiting on Nottingham Forest for £580. They scored in the 92nd minute to take the lead then conceded in the 96th minute
To add insult to injury my very first hand of poker after the football I got dealt KK in the BB.
Guy utg raises, I 3-bet quite big. Flop comes 589. I bet 3/4 pot. he raises, I shove.
He has 68.
Turns an 8 and boom.
I go from having £580 heading my way to being -£50. Two hands later, slightly tilted I got it in for another buy-in with TT against AK. Obv don't hold. -£100.
Ended the night on a semi high though, winning the £500 11:30BH. Got £140 for the win.
I still hope Forest go into liquidation and cease to exist.
After hitting your 2 outer on the turn v Peg1 you should have seen it coming, like your going to catch a miracle winning card running as you are. Yes this is very reminiscent of my bad runs, its incredible, new day another new way to lose all your chips, scary really. How can you not start to see monsters under the bed when they are there every day, nothing you can do, just keep on plugging away.
Love the posts! unlucky hurst , hope you run better soon, love the comments stien, i just thought there were rats in the roof when i heard noises now i'm thinking it must be the monsters from under the bed hiding till its dark!!!!!
believe me a set went through my head but like paul said, if you dont do your stack there then its bad play. which is no comfort when im on the rail lol.
just checked hand history now and i was dealt KK a total of 8 times this evening. of the 8 times i was dealt KK there was an A high flop on all 8 occasions. KK cost me (at 0.10/0.20) £93 in total
Phew. feel better now...
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceconnell12 Small blind 150.00 150.00 2438.75 GREGHOGG Big blind 300.00 450.00 2075.00 Your hole cards A K nextonet25 Fold xpussycatx All-in 2723.75 3173.75 0.00 connell12 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 2075.00 5248.75 0.00 xpussycatx Unmatched bet 348.75 4900.00 348.75 GREGHOGG Show A K xpussycatx Show A J Flop 7 8 5 Turn Q River K xpussycatx Win Flush to the Ace 4900.00 5248.75
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 50.00 50.00 1795.00 Tannerboy Big blind 100.00 150.00 4117.50 Your hole cards A A lcfcfan14 Fold redtomo Fold KOPKING Fold GREGHOGG Raise 200.00 350.00 1595.00 Tannerboy Call 150.00 500.00 3967.50 Flop 8 4 6 GREGHOGG Check Tannerboy Check Turn K GREGHOGG Check Tannerboy Bet 375.00 875.00 3592.50 GREGHOGG All-in 1595.00 2470.00 0.00 Tannerboy Call 1220.00 3690.00 2372.50 GREGHOGG Show A A Tannerboy Show 5 J River 3 Tannerboy Win Flush to the Jack 3690.00 6062.50
Hand History #344748267 (21:46 22/02/2011)
but ye, if i bet the flop properly, and shove the turn thats the standard way and i should prob stick to standard in dyms. but i was trying to play the player.
And for some reason you think you are the only person this kind of stuff happens to?
Really bad luck on that one.
After hitting your 2 outer on the turn v Peg1 you should have seen it coming, like your going to catch a miracle winning card running as you are. Yes this is very reminiscent of my bad runs, its incredible, new day another new way to lose all your chips, scary really. How can you not start to see monsters under the bed when they are there every day, nothing you can do, just keep on plugging away.
just checked hand history now and i was dealt KK a total of 8 times this evening. of the 8 times i was dealt KK there was an A high flop on all 8 occasions. KK cost me (at 0.10/0.20) £93 in total
on the bright side i only had AA cracked once lol