As Sky was kind enough to send me a gift for my birthday (thanks again Sky), I thought it would be a good reason to share with you my poker life over the past year.
I've now been playing poker for a bit over a year. My first ever game was down the local pub on the 3rd of February 2010. Even if I lost £10, I joined Sky Poker on the 4th of February.
Since then, I've played about a thousand games.
How do I know that ? Simply because I have been recording all my games in a spreadsheet since I started. The reason is double:
1- I see it necessary to keep control of my finances. I don't mind spending a fiver at the local pub once in a while, but if I spend a tenner every week and a bit online as well, I need to know how much this hobby is costing me. Poker is all fun until you realise the money spent could have bought a new car.
2- I came to poker for the mathematical aspects of it (pot odds etc.). Knowing which types of games, which limits, which hours are profitable is all part of the experience.
So after a year, where am I ?
My total profit accross the board is 45 pounds, including bonuses. Nothing to boast about, but at least the hobby has not cost me anything (time excepted).
Live games at the local are a break even proposition: profit of 5 pounds, over 25 games. However, this is not poker, it is just gambling as the structure is ultra fast and the players ultra loose. And I did not count the cost of the drinks.
I went to a casino in Manchester a few months ago and played on a £1/£2 table. Half an hour in I had won 120 pounds, 2 hours later my total loss was 30 pounds. Quite an experience. Not sure my heart would support another session.
Now, talking about Sky Poker:
- 44 cash game sessions, for a loss of £6.46.
- 621 Double Your Money, 357 times in the money, total loss: 3.60 pounds
- 23 Bounty Hunters, 3 times in the money, total loss: 8.13 pounds
- 64 freerolls for a total profit of £61.35.
- and a few other insignificant games
A few more random stats:
Most profitable month: october
Most profitable day: sunday
Most profitable hour: 9pm
Most DYI won in a row: 14 (a mix of £1 and £0.50 games in August)
Now, do those numbers mean anything ? Yes, probably but they do not tell the full story as I play differently now than a year ago.
The bottom line is that I had hours of fun, met a few wonderful people, got an excuse to watch Lisa-Marie in the middle on the night, my wife became a big fan of Tikay even if she does not play poker and it did not cost me anything.
It is going to be hard not to do it again over the next year !
An incredible story, & Post, Max! A lovely easy read, too, as it's beautifully presented.
The key is how much fun you have had, starting with that fiver!
In doubt anyone could get as much mileage out of £5 as that, delighted for you.
If there were still a prize for Post or Thread of the week, this would be nominated for it, to be sure.
From what I just read, stick to playing freerolls at 9pm every Sunday in October and you'll be flowing in profit.
next year you will win more imo
Good luck and nice post.
merenovice would be proud about the use of spreadsheets
Nice original name too, so which former sky player do we have this time??
You can make a profit from micro stakes, now run away troll..............................
your good at spotting these trolls innit
That's at least two threads this guy has posted virtually the same message. I think his alias and tone suggests someone is a tad bitter.
Is your 1st name really Isaac???
Nice post Max keep it up
edit: I stand corrected 7 out of 8 of your posts have been about recycling money the other is you pretending to be a butterfly and a bee
I like drewpeacock...............................