Hi everyone
I was just wondering if there is an etiquette to follow when playing heads up against an opponent who keeps losing internet connection.
I was playing in a bounty hunter tournament and got down to the final two and my opponent was constantly losing his connection. Is the etiquette to fold your hands in these circumstances, check the hands down or just to take advantage and take their chips? Is there any way you can pause the game until your opponent is back?
The first time it happened I raised a few hands to take the chips but when it kept happening I folded a lot of good hands or just checked them down.
I eventually won the tournament but just wanted to know if anyone else has had a similar situation and what they done.
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In your case I would I certainly would check it down for 10mins, esp considering it's a mtt and it's H.U. but that's only my opinion and I'm sure plenty of members will have opposite views.............my initial reading of your post makes me think you're an honourable and honest player so don't feel bad....it wasn't your fault.
Hi everyone
Thank you all for your replies and advice. Most appreciated.
It seems the ethical thing to do is fold your small blinds and I will do that if I ever find myself in that situation again. I think debs may be right when she said he may just be disconnected from the table as he said he had to watch AA and QQ being folded when he got back on so he must have still been connected to the internet to see that. I don't know what the problem was but it must have happened to him at least half a dozen times if not more during the heads up play.
Anyway what goes around comes around. I was playing another bounty hunter tournament just last night with over 340 runners. I was 2nd in chips with 9 players left when my 5 year old son got out of bed as he was sick. I had to leave the table and by the time I cleaned him, changed his bed and pj's, wiped up the mess and got him settled back in bed again, I got back to the game to find I had still made it to the final table but I had lost a large part of my stack and was in 5th position. My first hand when I got back was A 10 clubs and I shoved and was called by AJ and was knocked out in 6th position!