Im no longer going to be playing on sky anymore. I dunno, i just cant take the beats, dont know if im a bad player or just running bad, but ive had months of it. So i think its best to say bye.
I will return to the forums, but not the tables. I will be playing live and else where but not here. It may well but i just suck, but i need to know that.
I wish you all the best.
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only messing bud, take a break and come back refreshed
Why is everyone doing a Lucy????
If you're reading this Lucy Loo, I hope you're proud of yourself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I aint giving up poker im still making money live at the min so sticking to that for now. Ill return eventually, i due coarse.
However i feel its best if i go from sky for now, when i take a string of beats inparticualr the way i have the last couple of days inparticular i just dont enjoy poker as much.
When do you want your rematch, any time suits me except at nights from Wednessday to Friday
seriously it would be a shame to lose you,and bad-beats do happen all over just ask anyone who played the SnG's at the end of The Newcastle SPT event.
if you want to m8 you can always contact me on FB
ps. where do you play live?
Don, take a break m8 from online. I am doing that at the moment. Have been getting it in good just "the gods" have decided they are against me (I hope!), otherwise I am just playing bad LOL!!
You seem to have lost the enjoyment of it online at the moment which makes it seem worse. Take a break, get things in perspective and, hopefully, come back refreshed.
hey, the don, gonna nae do that, just gonna no.
best of your distant friends here
At the min i play anywhere i ccan get a game, usually its just a text with a location and offer of a lift. Had my mate staking me for 20% for a while but made a few bob and went out of that deal. As a result i seem to get text less, might go back to that.
The other times is usually a venture up to Edinburgh;s Maybury or Circus Casinos. Not much goes on here really so nearest games. Only other games i find easy is the games at the end of the league games im tournament director for.
Most are pretty easy money in fairness.
Times might not be exact i found out about this staking thing that im applying for. No clue what to say lol
Don, have a break and then you came come back in a different frame of mind...just don't press the RED button ok!