The man in this hand - no, sorry, Ivey was busy, so it's the other one - will be tonight's special Studio Guest, to commentate on tonight's £220 Biggie.
It was in the Monte Carlo Millions, & they were heads-up for the title.
I was fortunate to be Tableside, doing a Live Update. At the time, 6 or 7 years ago, this sort of play was unheard of.
Paul Jackson was also known, at the time, as the "greatest Online player, ever ever ever".
He talks funny - he's a WBA supporter - but when it comes to mentoring poker players, I've rarely met anyone better. And tonight, he's all yours, for 4 hours, on Ch 865.
In truth, he got spanked in this hand, but it remains one of THE great poker hands ever played. Remember, they were Heads-Up in the Monte Carlo Millions, at the time that was as big as it gets in Europe.
Watch & weep. Listen to the commentary, too - awesome!
Just because Paul is on the show alone will mean i will make double the effort to get home from work early to watch, one of the best players in the game imo.
Guys, Guests like this don't come along very often. Recently, we've had the likes of Sam Trickett & James Keys, Julian Thew very soon, Paul Jackson tonight.
Don't waste the chance, send in your questions for Paul, & we'll try & get them to answer them personally.
Tonight, if the questions are good, & plentiful, we should not waste too much time messing about, it's a golden chance for you to get answers to poker questions fom someone who has been there, seen it, & done it.
Never mind all the stuff you read, any player who has survived in poker as long as Paul has, & not gone busto, is worth listening to.
So, get those questions in, please.
Blandy - start the ball rolling - what would YOU ask Paul?
On a more serious note, I'd like to know his assessment of the online poker scene since he was heralded as one of the 'big online talents'. Dwan, Antonius, Sahamies and co. certainly play a different style, but what does he make of their play?
I'd also ask him what he thinks of his daughter playing poker. Kelly is a tidy player in her own right, but Doyle Brunson wasn't too keen on Todd learning the game. Did he have any similar reservations?
Honestly, watch that clip, it's unreal, given the context.
This hand is responsible for so many of my 5 bet/folds
Just because Paul is on the show alone will mean i will make double the effort to get home from work early to watch, one of the best players in the game imo.
Looking forward to tonight!!!
Both are complete sickos.
Guys, Guests like this don't come along very often. Recently, we've had the likes of Sam Trickett & James Keys, Julian Thew very soon, Paul Jackson tonight.
Don't waste the chance, send in your questions for Paul, & we'll try & get them to answer them personally.
Or, you can use this thread, or the Show Thread.
Tonight, if the questions are good, & plentiful, we should not waste too much time messing about, it's a golden chance for you to get answers to poker questions fom someone who has been there, seen it, & done it.
Never mind all the stuff you read, any player who has survived in poker as long as Paul has, & not gone busto, is worth listening to.
So, get those questions in, please.
Blandy - start the ball rolling - what would YOU ask Paul?
Good questions, Blandy. Except the tea one.
Paul's daughter Kelly - you do NOT want to play that lady at pokerz, trust me. She's awesomely good, & Dad is very proud. Quite right too.
I think Paul offering his opinion on how Giddin's is playing in the £220 DS should be interesting