Okay, so iv been seeing a few cash threads around recently so iv decided to set up an MTT thread, giving my results from each tourney i play and my total profit/loss. I am not starting with a specific bankroll as im well rolled that i can afford to not cash in a large string of tournies though so form of br management would be useful.
This thread will one, help my game and two, i think its important to assess how much money can be made off MTT's.
My game isnt good enough to dabble into cash too much just yet so il be mainly play these tournies, hopefully every day.
Il try and post up some interesting hands (though im not sure how to yet) and also post my exit hands to see where iv got wrong, so it will help my game and other mtt players too.
Any advice on badly played hands will be very very welcome

Wish me luck....
Good luck mate, could be an interesting thread for the lo stack mtt ers
Wacko do you need luck mate?
Every mtt ive played with you, youve destoryed the field.
Seriously I would like to know the percentage of pots you raise preflop.
Still i love these kinda threads! good luck
gl wacko, look forward to seeing your results (all good i expect!)
Gl Jon.
Profit... - 5.70
Not at all worried, can expect not to cash for a while.
Profit... -£16.70
Profit... £162.30